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Philosophy of Education Statement

Essay Instructions:

The Philosophy of Education Statement is an important piece in your educator portfolio. It may be requested by hiring personnel at schools to be included with a cover letter and resume. Your teaching philosophy should be thoughtful, organized and well written. The summary should be between 1-3 pages and should document and support your core educational principles.

First, state your objectives as a teacher. These need to be achievable through some form of assessment.

Second, you will want to outline the methods by which you will achieve your teaching objectives.

Third, you will need to have demonstrated evidence of your achievements. This may take the form of standardized assessments or evaluations.

Forth, allude to the factors that motivate you to be in the teaching profession. This is where you can be cerebral. State what motivates you to be in the teaching profession.


Essay Sample Content Preview:

My Philosophy of Education
Course Name
My Philosophy of Education
I consider teaching one of the most crucial careers in the world. As a teacher, one must be willing and ready to help students become the best versions of themselves. As a teacher, I believe that there is a need to actively engage students throughout the learning process. Also, there is a need to make the class and lessons more about the students and less about the teacher. Attention should always be on the students and their ability to internalize what they are being taught. Lastly, I also consider the element of altruism crucial, especially with regard to helping ensure that students assimilate with society later in life.
Active learning mainly entails building an interactive session with students. Such an approach to learning helps ensure that lessons are lively and student-centered. To achieve the idea of active learning in class, there is a need to employ or adopt a few measures. One of them is the idea of having students connect the lessons in class to real-life situations. Also, I believe that there is a need to teach students problem-solving techniques. These techniques should be taught using scenarios of difficulty where students are asked to solve certain problems or share their thoughts concerning certain matters in their lives. Teamwork also needs to be greatly encouraged. Students need to understand how to collaborate, the benefit of conflicts, and the need to help each other.
Another way to instill and assess active learning is through encouraging students to challenge ideas presented in books or other learning resources. Also, as a teacher, I would encourage my students to challenge my views, albeit respectfully. By challenging other people’s points of view, students get to develop their critical thinking and analysis skills.
Further, learners can engage in active learning through simulating “what if” scenarios. “What if” scenarios, that encourage learners to ask the right questions to get the correct answers. Additionally, students can actively participate in learning through journal writing. As a teacher, I would illustrate the structure of the journal whereby the first section would focus on the important points to remember, while the other part entails the application of the content read into students’ real-life and observations. Also, students can learn through role-playing. Nodding (2018) notes that young learners are observant and easily grasp things through what they see than what they hear. Therefore, there is a need to encourage scenarios wher...
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