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The Use of Persuasive Communication

Essay Instructions:

Welcome to the first Discussion Board! This week, the reading covered the basics of writing in college and effective persuasive communication. You learned about how writers can use persuasive models like the rhetorical situation to motivate an audience to take action or change the way they think about something. Students also looked at how John, Eric, and Alice might apply persuasive communication in their future jobs as a restaurant owner, nurse, and crime scene investigator. After completing the unit reading and learning activities for Unit 1, respond to the following questions in at least two well-developed paragraphs:

Introduce yourself by telling the class about your experience using persuasive communication. What are you studying and how do you imagine you will use persuasive writing in your career?

Describe an example of effective persuasive communication that you have encountered and identify the different parts of the rhetorical situation. Who was the speaker or writer and who was the target audience? What was the purpose of the argument? What setting did the argument take place in and how might the communication have changed if it were in a different context? How does this example illustrate the qualities of effective persuasive communication from the reading this week?

Wrap up your post with at least one open-ended question for your classmates to consider as they help you dig deeper into the ideas you shared this week.

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September 4, 2023

College Composition

Hi! My name is ________ I don't know if I have great persuasive power through my speech and how I communicate, but I know I can create speech that is well arranged. Persuasive communication can be both used vocally and in writing. I think I will best use my persuasion skills in writing in my career rather than personally. Confidence is one of the keys to persuading someone because a person's way of delivering their speech has a great impact on their audience (Penn Today).

One persuasive communication that I have encountered is a speaker in TedED named Alisson Leigh where he discussed the painting of "black square" and what it means. In the end, I have a great understanding of suprematism where feelings are the focus of the art rather

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