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University of Maryland University College: Trends in Cybersecurity Industry

Essay Instructions:


I will need to submit a draft of the introductory paragraph also What is your industry and what were the three trends you found? What did you learn in this project? and References . Before Sunday 18 the draft should have the following elements: • a cover sheet in APA format; • a “template” for my paper that includes the headings; • An opening paragraph that will introduce the industry, the top trends, the issue that you have chosen; and, • your draft References page

Project 2: Identify trends in your industry


This assignment is designed to refresh your research and citing skills so that you are fully prepared for the next courses in your program. You will find, access, and analyze information from a variety of sources that include library databases, online trade and professional journals, and timely industry online web resources. You will also refine your ability to provide in-text and reference citations in accurate APA format.

Your initial meeting with your new boss went very well and you are now working in a department that supports the company's strategic planning for growth in the industry. Your department head has asked you to do research from a newcomer's perspective to inform existing company marketing directions. He has asked you to write a short paper detailing the three top trends in the industry, and focus on what you think is the most important issue in these trends. He is hoping to use your research to position your department to launch a new strategic plan.

This is your first real task and you are excited and a little nervous about the assignment. You think you have a sense of the industry but know you need to do more research to be accurate in your analysis. The ability to spot trends in your industry is an important skill, and your boss wants to spend energy and capital on new growth areas, products, and services. Writing for Entrepreneur, Spader (2007) offers ideas about how to Spot the Latest Trends.

Your assignment is to produce an essay of 1,000-1,300 words in which you identify three trends in your industry, discuss them briefly, and then focus on a single issue that is especially important. You are to provide citations for at least SIX RESOURCES. You will cite your sources' ideas properly in correct APA format.

Your headings will follow this general pattern:

Your paper's short title (First level heading) (This will precede your introductory paragraph. Please refer to sample.)

Top Trends in the _____ Industry (Second level heading)

An important emerging issue (and what it means in context to the industry) (Second level heading)

Conclusions (First level heading)

References (On a new page, centered, not bold)

Here is an APA template for Project 2 for your review and use.

• Please submit a draft of the introductory paragraph also What is your industry and what were the three trends you found? What did you learn in this project? and References for review at the end of the Week 2. Before Sunday 18

Your draft will have the following elements:

• a cover sheet in APA format;

• a “template” for your paper that includes the headings;

• your opening paragraph that will introduce the industry, the top trends, the issue that you have chosen; and,

• your draft References page.

Please use the APA Style Guide 6 ed or APA examples to draft your complete citations. Use the feedback that you receive to craete your final graded paper at the end of Week 3.

Follow these steps for best results.

• Check out the short video below to set up your References page expertly.

. https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?time_continue=9&v=TmcaYdZDa-U

• Follow best practices for structuring the paper:

o An effective introduction grabs the reader’s attention and sets the tone and direction for the rest of the paper. In reading an introduction, the reader should have a clear idea of what will follow. Supporting paragraphs move the reader from the general introduction to the more specific aspects of your analysis in the paper.

o The body paragraphs show how the information you are providing supports and relates to your thesis. Paragraphs across and within sections need to effectively transition from one to the next.

o Each paragraph should include a topic sentence, which contains the main point of the paragraph.

o The conclusion brings to a close what you have presented in your paper.

When using sources, you need to be particularly careful to avoid plagiarism. This document discusses academic honesty and ways to avoid inadvertent plagiarism.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Trends in Cybersecurity Industry
Zenbaba Asfaw
University of Maryland University College
Trends in Cybersecurity Industry
Cybersecurity Industry
Cybersecurity involves the use of technology to protect computer systems, networks, applications, and data from unintended or unauthorized access (Alhassan & Adjei-Quaye, 2017). Today, cybersecurity industry has become increasingly invaluable as government agencies, corporations, and individuals collect, process, and store large amounts of confidential data and transmit the same data through networks (Pendse, 2018). In recent years, cases of data breaches have become commonplace. For instance, over the recent past, high-profile cases of cyber-attacks have seen the increase in the demand for highly advanced software and security solutions. Organizations world over are becoming more aware of possible threats to their digital equipment, data, and services, and this has resulted in greater allocation of resources to help in risk mitigation (de Bruijn & Janssen, 2017). Investments in cybersecurity are increasing with more and more companies trying to meet the required security requirements to remain safe from attacks. This paper will highlight the top three trends in cybersecurity industry, including cybersecurity regulations, email, fraud, and ransomware, and monitoring and insight and identifies cybersecurity regulations as an important emerging issue within the industry.
Top Three Trends in the Cybersecurity Industry
In 2018, the cybersecurity market has become a hot sector for organizations to invest in. it was estimated that in 2018, the global cybersecurity industry would be worth more than $96 billion as the world’s spending on cybersecurity products and solutions grows at an estimated rate of 8% annually (Austin, 2018). This scale of growth in investment has largely been due to the rapid increase in cyberattacks with reputational and monetary threats seen to push up the agenda. In the UK, for instance, there were 231,028 cybercrimes during the 2017. This figure translates to 633 cyber-attacks every day (Austin, 2018). Research in cybersecurity industry also shows that the accommodation sector was most affected in 2017 as 82% of all reported incidents were from the sector (Pendse, 2018). This is attributed to the use of Point-of-Sale devices that are prone to cyberattacks in different ways. According to Pendse (2018), the sophistication of such attacks has driven an increased demand for cybersecurity solutions not only in accommodation sector, but other areas such as education, financial, healthcare, information, manufacturing, professional, public, and retail (Pendse, 2018). The top major trends in the industry for 2018 have included the formulation of cybersecurity regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation and the NYCRR 500. There have also been cases of email phishing, fraud cases, and attacks using ransomware. The third important trend in cybersecurity industry is the monitoring and insight for comprehensive monitoring and analytics for improved protection (Gaietto, 2018)
An Important Emerging Issue: Cybersecurity Regulations
Cybersecurity is a major concern for governments as well as the private sectors globally. This is due to its enormous implications for security, safety, and economic prosperity for private and public sectors (National Conference of State Legislatures, 2018). States world over are now starting to address cybersecurity issues through a number of initiatives such as increasing funding to improve countermeasures, requiring government departments or companies to implement certain types of security measures, increasing fines and penalties for crimes related to computer attacks, and addressing attacks to organizations’ critical infrastructure. In 2018, more than 265 bills have been ...
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