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Fiction Story Writing. Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

Write a short story that tells about a fictional event in which a central conflict is resolved. Do not use first person in the story. Refer to pages 1448-1455 in your text for further instructions and resources to help you prepare your story.  Get in the creative writing mode:  “If you are writing without zest, without gusto, without love, without fun, you are only half a writer. This first thing a writer should be is—excited. Don’ t use anything as an excuse.” Ray Bradbury, Zen in the Art of Writing   

Your short story should drive towards a sudden, unexpected revelation.   The story should hold a profound meaning.  The princess who goes to the ball, the soccer player who wins a game, a mermaid who talks and dreams…these are not unique, interesting, or profound.  These stories are old and tired, worn out.  

Consider this: what morally significant choice does your protagonist make at the climax of the story?  Your reader should care about the protagonist’s decision. Ideally, the reader shouldn’t see it coming. 


Show!  Don’t Tell

“Make your readers hear the pauses between the sentences. Let them see characters lean forward, fidget with their cuticles, avert their eyes, uncross their legs.” Jerome Stern

This is telling:  I heard my neighbor through the bathroom wall.

This is showing:  The first time I heard my neighbor’s bellowing articulations of angst, I was debating the wisdom of calling 911.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Fiction Story
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The previous week, my friend Jack got a chance to meet Mr. X who lives in his neighborhood. It was the first time Jack came across him. As far as he knows, Mr. X spends most of his time at home and does not love meeting anyone. They have been neighbors for about three years, neither his parents nor he ever saw someone visiting Mr. X at his house. Basically, Mr. X loves his loneliness and is not ready to change his lifestyle despite the fact that he is a retired professor.
During his conversation with him, Jack realized that Mr. X is not as bad as some people think him to be. The only problem he has is depression. He lost his wife and children in a road accident some years ago, and this gave him a big shock. Unfortunately, none of his relatives and friends came forward to support him morally and financially, and since that day, according to Mr. X, he has started hating them all. Most of his time is spent at home, doing freelance writing, as he thinks that this is a good way to earn some money without any need to leave the house.
The only time he gets out of the house is when he has to buy the food, clothes or other necessities, and this happens once or twice a month. Jack made him understand that life is full of problems and challenges, but this does not mean he should quit on it. Instead, he requested him to develop a friendship with a few educated and sensible individuals of the town so that he could get back to normal life gradually.
Mr. X nodded and said that he had lost all of his hopes and that he wanted to kill himself. The fact is that there are many people li...
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