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NON-US PRESIDENTIAL political slogan. Effectiveness of Political Slogan

Essay Instructions:

2-page short essay, tell me about a particular NON-US PRESIDENTIAL political slogan that you think has captured our lesson and embraced selling a candidate like a product. When was it used? For who? What do you think it conveyed? Did it work, and why?

For this week's assignment;

Think about what we discussed when it comes to making the US Presidency "work" by combining the metaphorical buying power of the voting public and the desire to craft and sell a product from political parties and campaigns.


The idea of the President as a popular and electable "leader" is through two elements; The power and right of voting, and the power of the political party system.

In this particular case, we want to know how multiple elements (the single parts of government we've been discussing) work in tandem to support each other. Some of these combinations are of two different ones, and some can be three. For a Presidency to be what it is today, we need two;

VOTING - We've discussed the electoral college and the debate about keeping it VS the popular vote. Regardless, the idea of citizenship conveying an inalienable right, a power to select leadership, gives a lot of power to a populace. The power to elect, to pick, rather than be told what's ultimately good for us without even the illusion of choice, is a very powerful one (which brings us to the history of voter suppression in the US, another lesson for another week), so the way we use it must be with the full knowledge that the "product" (a leader) we're putting our money and trust into, metaphorically and literally, should deserve it.

This means that, since the inception of political parties that actively try to "sell" their stances and policies to voters versus the other party, leaders who can be elected are treated as products to sell, with implications and branding, with slogans and merchandise (promotional), all of it aimed at working to capture the power of that vote. A president who can't be seen as a slogan or an abstract concept, a "brand" as it were, ultimately doesn't get as much of the vote and therefore can't be seen as truly representing the US as that brand model/spokesperson.

Look through history as Presidents we've ultimately treated as such;

George Washington; War hero and a natural leader

Donald Trump; Reactionary and also populist

Barack Obama; Young idealism and the promise of a "golden age"

Franklin Roosevelt; Recovery and reinvention of the US

George W. Bush; Homespun familiarity and comfort in troubling times.

Bill Clinton; Popular charisma and acceptance of youth culture

John Kennedy; The promise of an American "royal family".

Every single one of these particular presidencies is/has been one that has a large pop culture presence, creating arguably-clear "brands" that together with the power of the vote, create arguably-memorable presidencies (even if the first one is cheating because Washington was, technically, the first president).

The views we've been given of these presidents are one-half of the "formula," as it were, of creating and maintaining a president. Think about how many other elected officials are voted for regularly, and how many of them do their jobs daily, besides the US President. Can you name any off the top of your head? How many? However, to maintain the idea of the power of the vote and the populist concept behind democracy, we use the idea of "selling" a leader (more accurately leasing one) to the American public who then use their power to determine if it's a good investment. That's where political parties come in as the crafters of that brand and that message.

The charm and charisma of Barack Obama wasn't an organic thing, but the capturing of a movement that was fostered into something more. The same goes for Roosevelt, for Bill Clinton, for Donald Trump. It's the balance of the elements of a good sold to the voting public and the voting public deciding on the value of the bill of goods.

What do you guys think? Are these accurate "billings" of presidents to the electing public, and does this combination make sense?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The effectiveness of Political Slogans
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The effectiveness of Political Slogans
Politics is widely shared as a dirty game that requires a lot of tact and passion for succeeding. Nonetheless, there are myriad of essential elements that are utterly necessary for individuals to become victorious especially in the presidential elections. Throughout history, political parties all over the world have continuously manipulated the electoral voting system by actively trying to “sell” their stances, policies and preferred candidates to the public using slogans and well through-through branding initiatives. In so doing, the various party candidates are showcased as products, and they are tuned to appeal to the public who eventually put their not only their money but trust in electing them as leaders. A vivid example from Britain was the way the Labor Party was able to win the most powerful political position in the country after quite a substantial amount of time in the opposition. The essay seeks to examine how the Labor party in Britain managed to end its 18-year spell in the opposition using the slogan “Britain deserves better.”
“Britain deserves better” was a famous political slogan adopted by the Labor Party in the 1997 British general elections that saw the party end its 18-year hiatus in opposition to a landslide victory. British citizens had long endured devastating effects of the recession that plagued most parts of the world during the early 1990s characterized by rising unemployment levels and economic downturn. The Labor Party under the leadership of Tony Blair packaged its campaign strategies seeking to address the problems mentioned abo...
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