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President's John F Kennedy Inauguration Speech. Unit 5 Individual Project

Essay Instructions:
To improve our own communication skills, it is necessary to analyze the effective communication skills of others. Using the speech below, research and respond to the questions that follow: - Provide a brief background of your chosen speaker and the speaking situation. - Present a summary of the speech. - What type of speech is presented? - What techniques and skills are used that make the speech effective? - What more could have been done to make the speaker or speech even more effective? President John F. Kennedy's 1961 Inaugural Address: http://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=PEC1C4p0k3E
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President`s John F Kennedy Inauguration Speech
John F. Kennedy was a commander of the Motor Torpedo Boats military service. During the Second World War he was out of the military and he acted as a democrat on behalf of the Massachusetts' 11th congressional district in the U.S House as from 1947 to1953. From the year 1953 to 1960 Kennedy served as senator. In 1960 Kennedy became the youngest president if the U.S after beating the vice president and Richard Nixon the Republican candidate. Kennedy was Catholic then the only non-protestant president ever elected and the only one who ever won a Pulitzer Prize (Rabe,2010).
During his presidency Kennedy built the Berlin Wall and some of the events that took place during his regime included the Space Race, Crisis of the Cuban Missile, the African-American civil right movement, Pigs invasion and Vietnam War in its early stages.Kennedy was assassinated 1963, 22nd of November in Dallas, Texas. Lee Oswald was accused of the murder but he never underwent trial for he was shot and killed two days later.
In his speech Kennedy celebrates not only the victory of his party but also the freedom that they have attained that symbolizes the end of injustice and the beginning of justice and many good things; this was in Washington on January 20,1961. He tells the people that they should not forget that they are the heirs of the first generation in his speech he also pledges to the people that he was strong and willing to bear any burdens and pay any price to ensure the survival of liberty and the success.
He unites the people by telling them that if united they can do more but when divided there is little they can do for they dare not meet a powerful challenge at odds and to those poor people and those with misery all over the world he pledged their best efforts to help themselves. He also pledged to help the South American`s and that whatever he said would be shown in action so as they could progress and assist to free men and free governments from the chains of poverty. That he could join their neighbors to oppose aggression in the Americans (Chomsky,et al. (2011).
To the nations who would make themselves their advisory, he offered not a pledge but a request that both sides would begin the quest for peace anew before the dark powers of darkness unleashed by science engulfed all humanity in planned or accidental self-destruction. Finally, to those nations who would make themselves their adversary, we offer not a pledge but a request: that both sides begin anew the quest for peace, before the dark powers of destruction unleashed by science engulf all humanity in planned or accidental self-destruction.
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