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Understanding of DiSC Profile to Communicate Effectively and The Consolidation Process

Essay Instructions:

Discussion Topic 1:
You saw how Coach's team reacted to receiving their DiSC personality results. You also learned how their distinct personalities help them succeed at JGR Racing.
Understanding your personality and how you work best can open doors in your life and career and improve your communication with those around you. Now that you have your own DiSC results (D, i, S, and/or C) describe a situation at home, school, or work where you had difficulty seeing eye-to-eye with someone else due to personality differences. How would understanding your DiSC profile have helped you communicate with them more effectively? For example, let's say you scored high on i (influential and optimistic) while your boss shows many of the strengths of a D (focused on the task, strong drive, direct, assertive). In the past, you may have had a hard time communicating with your boss because of her assertiveness. You might realize that you would be more effective communicating with your boss if you present your ideas in a "no-nonsense," direct way. She may not take you seriously if you go off-topic.
Discussion Topic 2
The consolidation process required for the intra-entity transfer of depreciable assets is different from the requirements for inventory and land. Analyze the current consolidation process for an intra-entity transfer of depreciable assets compared to inventory and land. Suggest at least one improvement to the process. Provide an example to support your recommendation.
Make up one is fine

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Discussion Topic 1
Personality assessment is a powerful tool that enables people to identify, understand, and maximize their strengths. Everyone has a unique combination of strengths, and in most cases, it is understanding one's personality that becomes an important step in growth and development as an individual. I have learned that my personality is oriented towards the D. I have realized that I usually tend to be quite head-on and self-oriented (Cook, 2022). My life experiences have taught me always to directly involve whatever task I undertake and not to depend on delegating to others. I have taken the hard lesson not to depend too much on people through personal failures. For example, while at work, I depended so much on my colleagues and team members to tackle any tasks assigned. My D-type personality has helped me tackle my weaknesses, as I initially loved procrastinating. I can now hold my own a...
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