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Racial Discrimination in Film “Aladdin”

Essay Instructions:

请Please watch the Aladdin movie first, and then write out what racist views in Aladdin's movie are in line with lippi green's views based on lippi green's article. The language should not be written too well, but answer the points to be answered well. Please read the file I uploaded before writing.

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Racial Discrimination in Film “Aladdin”
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Racial Discrimination in Film “Aladdin”
Cinematic stereotypes which depict racism continue to plague the movie industry today. The portrayal of characters in Hollywood films determines how society treats certain races worldwide. Hollywood has received much attention in the last few decades because of its racist depictions (Ayuningtiyas & Mustofa, 2021). Lippi-Green highlights that children are exposed systematically to linguistic stereotypes in television entertainment and film. Insights from the Aladdin movie depict racial discrimination. In this paper, various racist views in the film, Aladdin, are in line with Lippi Green's arguments on prejudices and racial discrimination.
Radicalized Language Views
Lippi Green argues that broadcast media have steadily become important agents of socialization (Lippi-Green, 2012). Therefore, movie production companies such as Disney help people reinforce their viewpoints within their society. For instance, Disney constantly reintroduces their audiences, mainly children, to their worldview (Ayuningtiyas & Mustofa, 2021). In 'Aladdin,' a 2019 Disney movie, racism is evident at the beginning. The viewers can hear the narrator singing: "Oh, I come from a land, from a faraway place, where the caravan camels roam. Where they cut off your ears if they don't like your face. It's barbaric, but hey, it's home" (Ayuningtiyas & Mustofa, 2021). The film producers use offensive lyrics to depict blatant stereotyping of Arabians. They portray Arabians as individuals who practice a violent culture. The stereotype has existed among Americans for the longest time. The Arabs have to endure racial discrimination because of the stereotype which dominates American society. The racial discrimination of Arabians in the film aligns with Lippi Green's viewpoints on socializing children in an environment that racially discriminates against people from other cultural backgrounds as violent. Disney uses the film to reinforce this viewpoint in children, thus socializing them through broadcast media to hold to the belief and be cautious about the Arabs and their culture.
In another instance, the guards in the film are overheard talking about beheading. It means that Arabs choose violence rather than diplomacy whenever they want to punish a lawbreaker. For a long time, the Middle East dominated by Arabs has been associated with violence. The image of its inhabitants is portrayed in the film through the guards' conversation. Characterizing the entire region as savagely violent in children's movies is discriminatory and unacceptable because kids are impressionable (Ayuningtiyas & Mustofa, 2021). The racial discrimination noted in Aladdin's film is in line with Lippi Green's viewpoint on the role of Disney in the socialization of young children. Lippi Green argues that the established household brand for children's movies' products has a regular, systematic effect on children as they develop into adults. Therefore, the racist views in Aladdin's movie correspond to Lippi Green's strong argument that; the content children see influences their racist opinions about other people of different ethnicities.
Lippi-Green further explains that the broadcast media increasingly showcases content supporting social class segregation (Lippi-Green, 2012). In supporting Lippi Green's argument, Disney Company produces movies that depict and perpetuate racial discrimination towards people from cultural backgrounds with which America does not share beliefs. The Aladdin movie is an exemplary depiction of these racist views. In the film, Agra...
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