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Speech Research on Hybrid Vehicles

Essay Instructions:

Speech Research Activity: Topic has been selected (hybrid vehicles)

Activity: Students were asked to complete a Library Research Worksheet Actions to gain practice in “researching” a potential speech topic in order to prepare for actual research that will be needed for the Informative and Persuasive speeches in this course. Students were to select ONE (of three) hypothetical speech topics and do research to locate (2) credible and relevant sources (a source on the Internet using a search engine AND a periodical database source using Rutgers University Libraries) for their selected speech topic.

Note: Please complete the Library Research Worksheet if you have not already done so by Friday at 11:59 p.m.

Discussion: Reflect on your research experience in the Speech Research Activity and respond to the following questions: (Please number your responses in ONE posting and attach your Speech Research Worksheet with your initial posting.)

What was your selected speech topic?
What search engine, metasearch engine, or web directory on the Internet did you use to locate one information source for the speech topic? If you used the Google Scholar search engine while you were logged in with your Rutgers Net ID, did you find an added bonus in your search efforts?
What periodical database through Rutgers University Libraries did you use to locate the other information source for the speech topic?
Which of the 6 criteria (expertise, objectivity, accuracy, currency, origin, and relevancy) was the most difficult to ascertain when evaluating sources and why?
What did you learn about the credibility of sources found on the Internet using search engines vs. sources found in electronic periodical databases through Rutgers University Libraries? Which method do you think is more reliable for academic research (such as speech preparation for this course) and why?

If you were giving an informational speech on your selected topic, what is one main point (or a sub-point) you could make using supporting information found in one of your sources? (Cite the source in your response following MLA or APA format.)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Speech Research Worksheet
COM 380 Public Speaking
Student’s Name:
Course #/Section: 04:192:380/9D
Note: Before completing the Speech Research Worksheet, be sure you have thoroughly read the “Speech Research Activity,” which provides instructions and resources (including on APA format). After completing the research and filling out this worksheet, save it, and upload it (attach) to the Discussion Board in Unit 3 as part of your initial posting.
Your Selected Speech Topic: (type an ‘x’ in the appropriate box)

Speech Topic 1: To inform your audience how to deliver the Heimlich maneuver.


Speech Topic 2: To inform your audience about the benefits of hybrid vehicles.

Speech Topic 3: To inform your audience of the history of Rutgers University.

Research Source #1 (complete the information from your research)

How did you locate this source on the Internet? (type an ‘x’ in the appropriate box and fill out)


Search Engine - Name: Google

Metasearch Engine – Name:

Web Directory - Name:

Type of information source (type an ‘x’ in the appropriate box and cite the source following APA 6th edition)


Website: (U.S Department of Energy)

Website article: (name)

News site: (name)

Blog: (name)

Other: (name)

APA citation (6th edition) - Reference List (bibliography) for this source

U.S. Department of Energy, (n.d.). Electric vehicle benefits and considerations. Retrieved from https://afdc.energy.gov/fuels/electricity_benefits.html.

Evaluate the source based on 6 key “criteria”


Expertise: Identify the authority of the author who wrote or organization that published the source.

Challenging to determine.


Objectivity: Was this a balanced viewpoint? If biased, is the source still useful for your speech? Explain.

Has a balanced viewpoint and is useful. Contain crucial information.


Accuracy: Was the information accurate? Can it be verified? Are sources of information included? Explain

Information is accurate, cannot be verified, and sources no included. If sources not included it can be difficult to determine the data accuracy.


Currency: Is the source (and information) written recently? Is the information timely or outdated?

The information provided is recent and not outdated. Appropriate sources should be less than 5 years old.


Origin: Is the information from a primary, secondary, or tertiary source? Explain.

The source is secondary since the information offered is not first-hand.


Relevancy: Does the information directly support the speech topic? Explain and include one main point (below).

The information support the speech topic. For instance, hybrid vehicles reduce greenhouse gases emissions.

One Main Point in speech topic with supporting information from this source:

If I am giving an informative speech about the benefits of hybrid vehicles, the primary point I would use is that these cars reduce greenhouse gases emissions in the atmosphere. When hybrid vehicles use electricity, they do not emit ca...
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