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Understanding of Civil Rights

Essay Instructions:

This week, the articles and graphic novel by John Lewis highlight African-American discrimination in the United States. While Lewis fought against Jim Crow era laws that prevented Blacks from full participation in society int eh 60s, many of the reforms he sought are STILL being debated in Congress (hence the article about the voting rights act being debated in 2021). Choose a specific group, event, policy, etc. evident in the week's reading, compare them to the “ideal” of social equality/citizenship (providing examples from the text), and then connect those ideals to concerns of the modern day. Are all American citizens "equal" under the eyes of the law? What are some of the ways people are prevented from "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" based on race, ethnicity, gender, religion, etc.?

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Civil Rights
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Civil Rights
John Lewis made it clear that African-Americans have faced discrimination for a long time in the United States of America (USA) in various aspects of their lives. Jim Crow-era laws prevented black people from participating in societal activities entirely in the 1960s. Lewis was against these laws that hindered the legitimization of anti-black racism. They made people believe that African Americans were cursed and that the whites were the chosen people. During that time, the narrative was that God favored racial segregation. Black people have encountered racial discrimination for a long time, and one way that hindered them from redeeming themselves was the denial of voting rights.
Despite numerous changes that have been done to the USA’s constitution to accommodate all groups of people, all American citizens are not equal under the eyes of the law. The article “House Approves Major Election Reform and Voting Rights Bill” by Alana Wise and Deirdre Walsh shows that some communities are not given similar voting priorities as others. For example, during the 2020 presidential elections, former President Donald Trump accused Arizona and Georgia of falsely claiming that there was ballot fraud (Wise & Walsh, 2021). However, the Republicans had no evidence to support their claims. The HR1, 2021 For the People Act is the legislation enacted to expand the access of ballot boxes to all Americans regardless of their racial, religious, cultural, or ethnic backgrounds.
Americans are prevented from life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in various ways based on their race, gender, skin color, religion, and ethnicity. For example, before implementing the Civil Rights Act of 1964, African Americans did not enjoy their basic right to vote (Klein, 2020). Jim Crow laws suppressed members of this population, such that the number of registered voters were very low in places like Alabama. In that light, people’s life privileges are taken away when they are prevented from voting. Besides, voting enables individuals to choose leaders who can represent them well and foster infrastructure and economic development. L...
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