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Reflection: Translation in Communication

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Answer the question listed below.

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Written Reflection
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Written Reflection
Part 1
1 Answer: It is an activity or the process of transmitting the meaning of a particular linguistic communication from one language to another for a better understanding by the targeted audience. The definition can also be in respect to mean similarity across languages. When translating, the translator must always consider the contextual meaning of the term to convey the accurate message of the translated text.
2 Answer: Translation is a complex practice, especially when conveying the exact meaning from one language to another with totally different sentence structures. One of the translation issues I have experienced is the big difference in sentence structures between English and Chinese. While English is subject-prominent, the Chinese language focuses on the topic of the sentence. The English language puts the subject first with an adjective preceding a noun. For instance, in English, the sentence will be “I have already done the homework,” while in Chinese, it will be “homework I have already done.” Another issue is the cultural differences. It is a significant issue since a specific word in one culture may completely miss out from another culture, and translating it would not be possible. The scenario usually occurs when translating cultural foods, festivals, etc.
3 Answer: I have gained numerous experiences in my translation studies and my daily life. First of all, I have better understood the English language both in class and in the outside world. Additionally, I appreciate the difference in grammar, language rules, sentence structures, and cultural diversity. Furthermore, my translation experience has enabled me to interact with important and influential people in society. A case in point was when an English-speaking investor was interested in beginning a manufacturing firm in my rural home. First, he had to convince the locals of the importance of the manufacturing plant, and I was the only one who could convey his message in Chinese. Up to date, we are still in close communication with the investor, and we discuss to partake big things in the future once I have completed my studies. I felt proud about my translation as the locals understood the importance of the plant to the local community. However, it was not the best and most professional translation since occasionally I would lose the sentence structure and not communicate the actual sentence meaning, but that is why I continue to dedicate my time to translation to hone my skills.
4 Answer: I want to study this course to understand the academic discipline better a...
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