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The Case Of The Tuskegee Syphilis Study

Essay Instructions:

• Find the conclusion(s) in the article – what is/are the main point(s) being argued

• Isolate the individual arguments in that reading (and there may be more than one) that support the main point(s) and conclusions

• Find the most important stated premises (evidence) that support those conclusion(s)

Present a summary of the above information in a 1-2 page paper that clearly lays out the main point(s) and the essential argument(s), i.e. the supporting ‘evidence', in a short, distilled fashion. This may be done in an essay format or in an outline format.

(In text citation)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Tuskegee Syphilis Study Name Institutional Affiliation The Tuskegee Syphilis Study The Tuskegee Syphilis Study is undoubtedly the worst display of racist scientific exploitation that is camouflaged as research. The history of this study is indicative of the extent to which personal prejudices can be used to not only skew research objectives but also to advance malicious personal agendas. Allan Brandt (1978 p. 23) accurately captures these sentiments in his article which intensively assesses the racism that defined the study. At the same time, this article examines the effects of said racism on the participants, and their families, after 40 years of exploitation under the guises of research and treatment for bad blood. While Brandt’s review is thorough, it also does well to capture the gist of the entire study. In it, he notes that this study was a clear manifestation of the extent to which individual attitudes and social values can affect scientific research (Brandt, 1978 p. 25-26). He further calls for great vigilance in...
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