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Effects Of Substance/Drug Abuse On Military Personnel

Essay Instructions:

The academic essay should be written as a cohesive argument for change in the community. The assignment should take form as a persuasive academic essay, in which you will provide reliable evidence from 5 sources to support the argument for change that you are advocating. You will also need to address a counter-argument or misconception about your topic within the essay as the ability to do so is a key component of a strong argument.

Your PERSUASIVE ESSAY will need to meet the following criteria.

Apa 6th edition format for the document including appropriate formatted title and reference page. A thesis statement should be at the end of the introduction paragraph. Well developed paragraphs that include evidence from sources to support your argument for change. 5 reliable sources should be cited within the text at least one of the cited sources should be either a book/ebook or a periodical arrival. All cited sources need to have full citations on the reference page. Standard American English and a formal tone throughout the writing. Only use third person point of view.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Effects of Substance/Drug Abuse on Military Personnel Name Institution Effects of Substance/Drug Abuse on Military Personnel While in the Military, one is expected to behave in a certain way and to react to certain situations in a particular manner. One is always reminded of their difference and the seemingly obvious disparity between them and civilians, and slowly, this becomes embedded in the soldiers’ minds. A soldier is expected to act and react differently to particular situations and will be called to answer if his conduct is deemed unbecoming or unmilitary at any instance. Everything between the civilians and the military personnel is indeed different, and this is always emphasized. However, as most researchers reveal, military personnel are not as different to the civilians as they are often made to think and believe. Apparently, they also suffer and are victims of the same problems. One such problem is drug abuse which has been a nationwide issue for a long time now. Drug abuse in the military has slowly grown to become an issue which is worth the nation’s attention bearing in mind that the same military is responsible for the protection of the country. While the issue of drug abuse in the military is not at alarming levels, it is indeed worth noting that drug abuse is becoming a major issue in the military and that its effects include issues memory, learning, decision-making, and judgment impairment, broken relationships, and interference with military readiness and discipline. Drug Abuse in the Military The truth which many people fail to acknowledge is that “members of the armed forces are not immune to the substance use problems that affect the rest of the society” (National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2013). While statistics might show that the use of drugs is lower among military personnel compared to civilians, National Institute on Drug Abuse warns that “heavy alcohol and tobacco use, and especially prescription drug abuse, are much more prevalent and are on the rise.” One thing people need to realize is that military personnel who abuse drugs are not any different to the civilians who abuse drugs. The majority, apparently, abuse drugs for the same reasons as other people do. One misconception about the military that people have is that they are strong and can overcome anything before them. People have this idea of the military as being more than humans with the common problems beyond their daily issues. The respect accorded to these people is indeed one that is often unmatched. The truth is, they deserve the respect and honor they receive mainly because of their sacrifice. However, what many people fail to recognize is how vulnerable some of them are. The truth is, the reality of addiction is something that haunts them daily, but this issue is often ignored and brushed off. Apparently, according to Northpoint Recovery (2013), “statistics show that 27% of those who have seen active combat regularly participate in heavy drinking. Close to 4% of those who are between the ages of 18 and 25 are addicted to illegal drugs. 11% of service members admit to using prescription drugs in a way that would constitute abuse of them.” The above is indeed a clear sign that the military personnel have not and are not beyond the snares of drug abuse and addiction. The article continues to state that “addiction is a very real problem among those in the military” and therefore, it ought to be gifted the attention it deserves. Factors Contributing to Drug Abuse in the Military Different factors contribute to the rise in drug abuse among military personnel. The most common ones include the following: * Armed conflict – the thought of being in an armed conflict can seem exciting for some people, but once one has been in a real con...
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