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Treatment model for Maltreated Children and Families at Risk Essay

Essay Instructions:

Choose one of the following treatment models: Theraplay, TFCBT, The Homebuilders Model, or PICT. Describe the model in 3-5 sentences. Then, explain in depth, giving your own example of how you would use this model in treatment. Name a fictitious agency (describing the services that agency would provide for children and families). Describe your role in that agency, how often you believe you would see a child, parent, or both, and be specific in your explanation of how you see that model working out as you are employing the model. Your answer should be no less than 250 words, double spaced, using APA.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Theraplay Treatment Model
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Theraplay Treatment Model
This is an approach to child and family therapy to address the emotional developmental, and behavioral issues. The goals are improving the relationship between the parent and the child through healthy interactions and play. It is an evidence-based approach that enhances the "attachment, engagement, self-esteem, and trust in others" (Rubin, 2012, p. 105). It can be used in diverse settings to enhance how parents and children relate.
There are several scenarios where the model can be applied. In Child Care Global, we are focused on giving children and parents Theraplay sessions to enhance their coping abilities with developmental challenges. For children w...
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