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The Translator Does Not Exist In Vacuum

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The course book is 'Introducing translation studies : theories and applications' by Jeremy Munday. The arguments in the essay should use the theory/ies addressed in the book.

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Translator does not exist in Vacuum Name: Institution: Date: Translator does not exist in Vacuum Understanding the act of translation is challenging. Many translators indeed unknowingly follow the rules and theoretical perspectives of translation and it does not require a person to pursue a field of study with respect to translation. Before delving into whether translators live in a vacuum, it is essential to comprehend the meaning of translation (De Ward & Nida, 1986). Jeremy Munday elaborates translation as a process whereby the translator changes a source text or original written text in the original first language or the source language to a targeted text in a diverse verbal language. The outcome of such translations yields an interpreted text with its original orality. Furthermore, Munday notes that translation target the comprehension of the audience using the simplest medium of communication to enhance the engagement of the audience. However, most translators are unaware of the existing translation theories that guide the translation process even if they unknowingly follow the procedures. Translators do not exist in a vacuum since many interpreted information have theory basis regarding the nature of the meaning of linguistic and equivalence. Thus, the translated text contains the vocabulary of the origin version and such vocabularies continue to exist even after several translations. Translators follow theories and their perspectives when changing source text to the translated text. Munday affirms the point of use of theoretical perspective in the linguistic meaning and equivalence (De Ward & Nida, 1986). Translators usually use three concepts namely the intralingual, interlingual and intersemiotic. Besides, translator implies the equivalence in difference whereby the source text and target text differ in code-units as they fall under different languages which have different partition in reality (Wendland, 2004). Munday indeed notes that translators use systematic analytical procedures in all text coupled with the cultural expectations of the audiences regarding the target text (Wendland, 2004). Secondly, no work leads to product or process without a concept. Therefore, the translators use processes based on concepts to get the best products as target text. Munday examines various linguistic approaches with detailed taxonomies for categorizing the process of translation. Munday elaborates on the models of Vinay and Darbelnet that involves translation strategies such as literal and free translations (Munday, 2013). The literal methods that Munday mentions include literal rendering, calque and borrowing coupled with the oblique techniques namely the modulation, transportation, adaptation and equivalence (Rosa, 2012). Translators cannot live in a vacuum as they implement the Vinay and Darbelnet obligatory and optional changes when transforming the source text into the target text (Rosa, 2012). Thus, the translators have to find the u...
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