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Trait Theory: My Sense Of Duty

Essay Instructions:

Write an extended essay on your personality. Describe each factor as it relates to you. Give specific examples. Use the language on the sheet. When you are finished turn the sheet over and figure out your four letter from the Myers Briggs.

Answer these questions in the essay.

Are you more of an introvert or extravent. More a feeling type perons ofr a thinker? More imaginative or practical> More structured or spontaneous? Give example.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Trait Theory Name Institution I am a person who is very open to experience. I find myself creating creative content and writing books on aliens and futuristic world settings. I love going to the theatres especially when they are showing sci-fi movies. I love the experience of tasting various foods from new cultures and the way of life in those new cultures am hence am open to new ideas. I am conscientious and this has been the case since I was a child according to my mum I would make sure all my toys and those of my siblings were always in the right place after we were done playing. My sense of duty is always with me as my ethical standards and moral principle has allowed me to maintain my cousin's loyalty that they always elect me back as the chairman of our family group. In the agreeableness factor, I inhibit the aspect of altruistic in the sense that I deeply care about others. During the weekends, I go the shelter and feed the...
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