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Personality Traits Determination Using the Myers Briggs Test

Essay Instructions:

Write an extended essay on your personality. Describe each factor as it relates to you. Give specific examples. Use the language on the sheet. When you are finished turn the sheet over and figure out your four letter from the Myers Briggs.
Answer these questions in the essay.
Are you more of an introvert or extravent. More a feeling type perons ofr a thinker? More imaginative or practical> More structured or spontaneous? Give example. (I m a more introverts person and do a lot of thinking. So please write an essay base on the information that I wrote on Myers-Briggs page)

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Personality traits are perhaps one of the most important aspects that a person needs to know. It allows for deeper introspection and reflection about his self and how he reacts to the things around him. In a test that we took, we tried to classified our Myers Briggs personality by rating our predisposition between; (1) Introverts and extroverts, (2) Sensors and intuitive, (3) thinkers and feelers, and (4) judging and perceiving. Upon the completion of my Myers Briggs Test, I realized that I have an ISTJ personality type.
I have always been a more introverted person. Most of the time, I prefer walking alone and finding a good place to stay. At times, I go to the park and take a quick stroll by myself as it gives me a more relaxed feeling. I have ...
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