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Totalitarian Society: Impeding Citizens from Exercising Their Rights

Essay Instructions:

Using a totalitarian society from the past or present, discuss how the state and its leader attempt to impede citizens from exercising their rights. In your discussion, explain some components of an "ideal citizen," consequences of voter apathy, and ways the state controls the citizen.

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Political Science
Date of Submission
Political Science
A totalitarian society is a society that is under the rule of a government regime that rule by dictatorship. The citizens of such a country have no say on how they are governed and all aspect of their lives is controlled by the ruling class. Presently countries like Iraq, South Korea, and China are ruled in such a manner. Classic examples of such governance include Joseph Stalin rule of the Soviet Union and Hitler of Germany. This study is focused on Stalin governance.
Joseph Stalin ascended into power in the late 1920s after a power struggle with members of the Communist Party when Lenin died. Stalin developed a plan to transform the Soviet Union into an industrial superpower at the expense of his people. His ingenious idea was centralized on the government to seize complete control of the Soviet economy. Soviet agriculture was put under forced collectivization; where all Soviet farms were and the government control. Farmers who opposed the idea of the government taking their farms were either killed or exiled as a form of punishment for disobedience to the regime. Millions of Soviet people lost their lives due to a famine that broke out in the country because of the policy of forced collectivization (Rappaport, 1999).
The rule of this dictator was absolute as he eliminated anybody who opposed him. The secret police powers were expanded at Stalin command to spy on citizens that fought him. Those citizens that were deemed guilty of resisting him were either killed or sent to forced labor camps (the Gulag System). Stalin devised the Great Purge to get rid of those he considere...
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