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Thoughts After Reading Two Conversations

Essay Instructions:

Prompt: Please address the relationships between what Pico Iyer describes as the "art of stillness” and Robin Kimmerer’s ideas regarding the language of animacy and acts of listening and seeing. How can stillness polish the act of seeing? How do these ideas relate to art making and an artful way of life/ inner life of an artist? And please provide a paragraph regarding how these ideas relate to your way of being.

MLA citation. If you use a source other than your own brain, YOU NEED TO CITE THE WORK. It's not a problem to use what other people have said about something if you cite it. There is a problem if you treat those words as your own. Feel free to use more than just these sources to write the paper, but cite them!

Given the website of two conversations:



Essay Sample Content Preview:
My Thoughts After Reading Two Conversations
Pico Iyer and Robin Wall Kimmerer are some of the amazing personalities who discuss issues that are quite pertinent as seen from their interviews with Krista Tippett. Iyer shares an intimate chat that shows the explorations and the discoveries that he makes through a practice he calls “the art of stillness.” Kimmerer also writes through her to show her love for science through professorial experience to show her love for nature and also depict some internal connection to the aspects of life and the environment. The essay shares my thoughts after reading the two conversations of Pico Iyer and Robin Wall Kimmerer as they shared some of their intimate sentiments like animacy and actions of listening to see different subjects and aspects of life internally.
Both Iyer and Kimmerer portray listening to be essential to help one to have a personal connection with different aspects of nature and life. Iyer brings listening from the element of religion. Through his conversation, Iyer said that he saw people act ethically depicted by actions such as kindness and people living selfless lives. Iyer came to realize later that what drove these actions was the ability of people to listen to God whereby listening to God led to s spiritual connection between the people and their religious beliefs (Iyer 14). On the other side, Kimmerer also expresses on the aspect of listening to show the link with the environments and botanical elements such as plants, which is a connection that has led her to reach on heightened education level as she is a professor of Environmental Science and Forestry (Kimmerer 3). From the two p...
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