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Thoughts from Reading Two Conversations by Pico Iyer and Robin Wall Kimmerer

Essay Instructions:

Prompt: Please address the relationships between what Pico Iyer describes as the "art of stillness” and Robin Kimmerer’s ideas regarding the language of animacy and acts of listening and seeing. How can stillness polish the act of seeing? How do these ideas relate to art making and an artful way of life/ inner life of an artist? And please provide a paragraph regarding how these ideas relate to your way of being.

MLA citation. If you use a source other than your own brain, YOU NEED TO CITE THE WORK. It's not a problem to use what other people have said about something if you cite it. There is a problem if you treat those words as your own. Feel free to use more than just these sources to write the paper, but cite them!

Given the website of two conversations:

1. https://onbeing(dot)org/programs/robin-wall-kimmerer-the-intelligence-in-all-kinds-of-life-jul2018/

2. https://onbeing(dot)org/programs/pico-iyer-the-urgency-of-slowing-down-nov2018/.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Thoughts from Reading Two Conversations by Pico Iyer and Robin Wall Kimmerer
The two conversations talk about listening, and the way listening enhances seeing things through internal connections. Stillness and silence create an environment where one has an introspect of his or her life, which increases to establish the relationships that the two conversations depicted. One of the conversations covers Pico Iyer, who expounds quite profoundly on the art of stillness, which shows the importance of silence and the way silence helps people to meditate and see things in their life as, through stillness, one can listen and see things that are not seen in real life. On the other hand, Robin Wall Kimmerer also shares her connection to botany and the environment, which further portrays the relationship between people and the way they can enhance their relationships with what they love. This is seen through the way Professor Kimmerer used stillness to strengthen her love for the environment and botany to help her to succeed in increasing her passion for the environment. The essay shares my thoughts on reading the conversations by Robin Wall Kimmerer and Pico Iyer to show the impacts of stillness, listening and the way listening helps people o see.
I think that the two conversations are essential in explaining the art of stillness. Stillness is necessary as it helps people to reflect on their internal connections and beliefs. Silence resembles meditation as people meditate to connect to their spiritual beliefs or private passions and customers towards different things in life. For Pico Iyer, he used religion as one of the elements that portray an internal connection between people and God, where religious people often pr...
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