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This I Believe Literature & Language Essay Research

Essay Instructions:

This is the Final Assignment for this class so you need to read the requirements and work carefully.


The COVID-19 pandemic has been unsettling for most people on numerous levels. In the midst of so much disruption and uncertainty, this may be a time for reassessing your goals and values, or for clarifying and reaffirming what guides and motivates you. In terms of writing for this class, at this moment the most relevant and engaging project for you may be to write a firstperson account in which you address such concerns. One way to give structure and substance to this writing is to adopt the format found in the “This I Believe” project and website. “This I Believe” originated in 1951 as a five-minute CBS radio program hosted by the renowned American journalist Edward R. Murrow. It has had numerous iterations since then, via Radio Luxembourg, Canada’s CBC, NPR, and Public Radio International.

This four-minute YouTube clip of the inaugural 1951 radio broadcast by Edward Murrow, addressing a parallel moment of historical upheaval, provides a rationale for the original project, and may serve to guide or inspire you at the outset of this assignment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMNw7M-eUdU I was moved to listen to this broadcast, as it reminded me of challenges faced during an earlier era, as well as the courage and resilience of people who faced up to them. Here is teacher Paola Brown’s four-minute video giving instructions for her class’s “This I Believe” assignment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ypEk-Y6By0. Although this is pitched to a pre-college classroom setting, I still see as useful her comments about how to give this form of writing a solid foundation, and how to avoid merely floating through a series of diary-like impressions. For an excellent model of this writing, here is a link to the website’s presently featured “This I Believe” essay, by hospice worker Mary Cook: https://thisibelieve.org/essay/616/.

It was originally broadcast January 30, 2006 on NPR’s “Morning Edition.” (You may prefer listening to her read it; from the link here, the radio broadcast from 2006 begins around 1:15, after an announcement for educators.) I thank my colleague Kelly Cresap for offering a helpful framework for this project. Assignment Part 1: “This I Believe” Essay Write a “This I Believe” essay. The website https://thisibelieve.org/ originally included these guidelines: When you write your essay, we encourage you to: 1. Please limit your essay to fewer than 500 words. 2. Describe an event that shaped your beliefs or a person who inspired them. 3. Avoid sermons and editorials—no soapbox declamations, please! 4. Read more of our essay-writing tips. Many of those essay-writing tips are found at the current website; from the homepage, click the “this i believe essay writing suggestions” link under the “educators” drop-down menu. Find more resources at the “explore” drop-down menu.

Part 2: Reflection Write a reflection about your experience in writing a “This I Believe” essay. The This I Believe website originally included this description: “Please tell us what it was like to write your essay. Was it an easy or a challenging experience? Please limit your response to no more than 800 words.” To give context for where you are writing from, geographically or mentally, this reflection might include a description of how your life has been changed by the COVID-19 pandemic, in terms of the impact to your home, work, family, social connections, or daily rhythms.

Layout and Design:

• Write your response as an essay followed by a reflection.

• Center and bold a thoughtful title at the top of each of the assignment’s parts. Skim the titles of archived essays on https://thisibelieve.org/ before you settle on the generic headers “This I Believe Essay” and “Reflection.”

• Use block format: a) One-inch margins b) 12-point font in Times New Roman (or comparable) style c) No indented paragraphs d) Single space within paragraphs; double space between paragraphs

• Name, date, and section should appear right- or left-justified above the title of part 1.

• Begin part 2 on a separate page, with its own title. Due Date: Please upload this assignment as a single file via ELMS by Mon., 12/21, 11:59 p.m. Target Length: Aim for about 500 words for the “This I Believe” essay, and about 800 words for the reflection. Entire assignment should amount to 2-4 pages (in block format).

Sources/Bibliography: No sources or bibliography are required for this assignment. However, do give credit to any sources you quote or otherwise consult; list them under a “Sources” heading at the end of the document. Audience: Think of your audience for this assignment as the members of our class plus the moderators of “This I Believe.” I’m hoping that some of you may want to record your essay and make it available to the class via ELMS. I’d be glad to hear them! It would also permit an alternative to the oral presentations which I normally assign during a face-to-face professional writing course. Impact: Once our course is complete, you are free to make what you wish of this essay and reflection. For ideas about carrying it forward and reaching a wider audience, click on the “participate” link at www.thisibelieve.org.

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Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Part 1
I believe the solutions to our problems can be found if we collaborate. There is more in unity than in division, and the Coronavirus pandemic has helped me realize the importance of this belief. From the source of the epidemic in china back in 2019, there was speculation that this virus would wipe out humanity. The hypothesis is that very few people would remain alive, and this notion was catalyzed by the events and the number of deaths recorded in China. Almost the entire planet panicked, and personal health safety became a priority. The cell physiology had not been determined, and draconian containment measures were being implemented, especially in China.
However, through collaborative effort and crucial data sharing, the pandemic was controlled, and safety health measures were established. The healthcare problem also unearthed social, economic, and political issues because they had to merge to create a scalable and sustainable solution that would guarantee people's safety. Social ills like discrimination and inequality of sharing resources were imminent because the demand for survival products like personal protection equipment was scarce. Moreover, the transport system was paralyzed, and the production of new products was halted.
As time elapsed, governments liaised and developed solutions to salvage the masses from devastation. As many businesses were closed, many people became unemployed, and the government had to step in to save people from hunger and death. Gradually the work-at-home movement began, and some people were able to perform official duties while at home. Previously such ideas would have seemed irrelevant, but it was embraced globally because it helped create a safe environment. Through the pandemic, people were more united, and solutions to social, economic, and political problems were found.
Part 2
The experience of writing the I Believe essay was simple in thought. However, putting the words on paper was different because I had to determine the points that would start and end the paper. There had to be a coherent structure to show that my belief was proved right by the circumstance. It is also important to note that without the pandemic by belief, I would have used history to explain the points. People are more united when facing the...
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