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Assignment: Restoration Plan of the Ontario Heritage Trust

Essay Instructions:

The Ontario Heritage Trust’s objectives are to:

1) To protect and enhance the wetland complex and improve the ecological integrity of Scotsdale

Farm. Specific targets are to improve species habitat and ecosystem functions of the Silver Creek

complex and environmentally sensitive area of Snows Creek watershed.

2) To provide a variety of escarpment-related, outdoor, and recreation opportunities.

3) To support tourism by providing opportunities for heritage discovery and enjoyment.

you will be asked to think about a restoration plan for this property. Feel free to do a bit of background research and thinking about the property,

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Restoration Plan of the Ontario Heritage Trust
Department, University
Restoration plan of the Ontario Heritage Trust
The plan aims to take the Scottsdale Farm back to where it was; the tourist attraction site it was, the thriving economic region, the recreational facility that it was, and the home of rare animal species. This restoration plan was adopted after an assessment was done that concluded the farm is mismanaged and in a deplorable condition, despite its economic value potential. The current management that recently assumed office is the plan's drive force. Residents and the government are parties to the project and implementation of the Farm. If well utilized, Ontario's landscape and natural resources can boost Canada's economic growth and development.
Historical Background
Ontario Heritage Trust is a historic farm that was developed by Stewart and Violet Bennett in 1982. The couple had farmed for 40 years, raising Arabian horses and shorthorn cattle. The Farm is a 215-hectare property located in Niagara Escarpment from 27 Sideroad and Trafalgar Roa in Halton. It is a route to Bruce Trail. The property has an Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA), Acton-Silver Creek Class 1 Wetland Complex, Emmerson Spring Valley archeological site, a dam, and a host to endangered animal species (Ontario's Stream Rehabilitation Manual, 2002).
Assessment of the Current Situation
Field visits and specialist surveys agreed that; Sctosdale was an economic zone in the 1740s until things changed.
* Much of the land was cleared to build towns, mill dams, and new modes of transport. The natural rivers became a dumpsite for chemicals, garbage, sawdust, and sewage. The sanitary sewer installation worsened the case.
* The rivers started varying in volume stability due to shrinking forests (Ontario's Stream Rehabilitation Manual, 2002).
* Wetlands were drained to give way for row crops and shopping malls due to unregulated urban development.
* Natural heritage has been threatened, native fish species are rare.
* Groundwater discharges have dried up; the percentage of Wetland cover has reduced by 40% from 1740 and increased impervious land surfaces related to low drainage.
* Presence of excessive bank erosion and little canopy on both Creeks, which was not the case before Violet left
The overseer committee agreed to undertake a wood cover project. The adjacent neighbors will be requested to plant trees and put up a fence and watering troughs. Native trees can do well in the sediment traps.
The restoration plan's goal is to restore, protect and enhance the scenic, natural, cultural, and educational values of the Scottsdale Farm in an ecosystem context and promote stewardship, understanding, public responsibility, and enjoyment of natural heritage.
* To protect and enhance the Wetland complex and improve the ecological integrity of Scottsdale Farm.
* To provide outdoor, escarpment-related, and recreation opportunities.
* To support tourism through the provision of opportunities for heritage discovery and enjoyment.
1 Plant 3.2 kilometers of stream corridor with shrubs and indigenous trees along with the farm's main complex.
2 To install 600 meters of livestock fencing along the tributary stream.
3 Remove the barrier in Shaws creek for the resumption of fishing.
4 Conduct quality water bodies' surveys per year as per the monitoring program.
5 The Construction of a 1-hectare floodplain along the Wetland downstream to level the ground.
Rehabilitation Techniques
* Channel rehabilitation
This will include a corridor rehabilitation project to de...
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