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Essay Instructions:
please pick 4 questions out of 6 and include refrences. 1. talcott parsons stated that action theory consisted of the unit act with four components 1. act 2. end 3. situation and 4. norms/ values. voluterrism and vertsehen how does this allow us to understand the social element of interaction? does it fit into his structural functional theory? 2. george hebert meads conception fo the self has been considered the basic element in socialization and social control. how and in what way? 3. william graham sumners discussion of in groups, out groups, and ethocentrism is the infrastructure of a theory of prejudice. how could it be applied? 4. under simmerl of what would the basic conflict between members of society consist? 5. authroity in weber is the key element in most interaction at all levels ( personal, group, and organiation) please explain the essence of the concept 6. karl marx and emile durkheim appear to be worlds apart in their theories. how would you explain the division of labor from each perspective
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(09 May, 2011)

6. Karl Marx and Emile Durkheim appear to be worlds apart in their theories. how would you explain the division of labor from each perspective
Karl Marx and Emile Durkheim appear to be worlds apart in their theories; this is so especially in terms of division of labor. According to Max, division of labor forms the foundation of conflicts throughout history, while Emile on the other hand, so the idea as a normative state without which societies will not be functioning effectively. According to Max, labor division is unnatural occurrence that has to be made natural. He viewed labor division as something which ought to be des cribbed as a feudal system, other than a natural state of economic affair. It is enforced for the benefit of owners wile exploiting the working class. On the other hand, “Durkheim's division of labor is much more naturalized than Marx and proceeds from the concept that the division is an organic outgrowth of a society in which different people have different interests and skills”, (Crass, 2003). Max vision sees economics as a woman talented forced to work throughout her life since her background can’t afford providing education for her, while Emile, sees the same as an integrated organization that maintains order.
4. Under simmerl of what would the basic conflict between members of society consist?
According to Geog Simmel’s a general form of social relations. Conflict becomes prominent when analyzed in terms of crimes along with delinquency. For instance, high rates of crime incidences among immigrants in urban areas can be a due to cultural differences between legal rules and norms of traditional conduct of the immigrant’s original cultures. According to Simmel’s, conflicts consists of economic elements, all interest forms as well as conflicting ideals which pose opposition between groups. In another thing is that can be defined in terms of social problems, wh...
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