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BHS414 Module 2 SPL

Essay Instructions:
This is still an essay, you are just makeing a small 3x3 table. The cultural group is African Americans Your Task for Module 2 For Module 2, Begin the process of constructing a 3 X 3 table in which you cross the Cultural Empowerment and Relationships and Expectations domains of the PEN-3 Model (see below for an example of the format that you should use). For the current module, complete the first row of this table by identifying and listing positive perceptions, existential perceptions, and negative perceptions that influence your target cultural group's behaviors with regard to the health problem that you, the health educator, identified in Module 1. (You will complete the remaining rows of this table in Modules 3 and 4.) DOMAINS Positive Existential Negative Perceptions X X X Enablers Nurturers READING http://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/560/02/
Essay Sample Content Preview:
HIV/AIDS Research Name: Grade Course: Tutor’s Name: (13, May, 2011) HIV/AIDS Research Aids is a very deadly viral disease that is transmitted when an infected person body fluid gets in contact with a person. The disease is termed deadly this is because it affects the entire population regardless of an individuals, race, wealth, position, religious or cultural background. In the United States of America the disease is said to have affected a large section of the American population in the early 1990s when the disease was first diagnosed but the numbers have drastically dropped; this is as a result of a lot of sensitization aimed at changing the behaviors of the American society (Airhihenbuwa, & Webster, 2004). But with the reduced numbers of the infections in the country a larger section of the population that remain infected with the disease are the African Americans. This is because of there cultural and social behaviors that tend to expose them more into contracting the disease. Positive Existential Negative The Positive perceptions of the African American cultures have helped a lot in the reducing of the levels of HIV/Aids infections amongst the African American citizens America. A positive contribution of the African culture in reducing the cases of the African Americans infection is the strictness nature of there cultural practices, the strict nature governs when an individual is supposed to engage in sexual activities (Airhihenbuwa & Webster, 2004). This is where there is a distinct rule that govern the time and when one should lawfully engage in active sexual activities, the African cultures basically bars any unmarried couple from indulging in any sexual activities and incase one was caught in the act the individuals will face heavy penalty because of going against the culture of the Africans (Airhihenbuwa & Webster, 2004). The Africans culture is also very productive in ensuring that the risks of marital infidelity are reduced, this is where in most African cultures the issues of polygamy is allowed as a way of taking care of the ...
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