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HISTORY: HOMINID EVOLUTION Name: Grade Course: Tutor`s Name: (16, May, 2011) 1.) Define and explain natural selection Natural selection is a process whereby the biological traits become less or more dominance in the population due to effect that consistently affects their survival or the production of their bearers. This builds a key evolution mechanism. Through natural selection, they cause a genetic variation within the population of the organisms that may cause some o the individuals to survive and reproduce more successfully than the others. Charles Darwin developed factors that affect the reproductive success which are important in developing the idea of sexual selection (Darwin, 1995). Natural selection acts as the observable characteristics of an organism. However, genetic basis of any phenotype offers a reproductive advantage that becomes more conspicuous in the population(Darwin, 1995). This with time result in adaptation process where specialized population of specialized ecological niche may bring rise to new specie, this makes natural selection to be an important process where evolution takes place within organism population, It is opposed to artificial selection where human favors specific traits as it offers selection by itself ensuring certain characteristics with certain variations are the one that are left in the environment Charles Darwin initially introduced natural selection theory in 1859 in his book Origin of Species. According to this theory, a population of animal that has been given presents a wide variety of traits. If an animal develop a trait that it to survive, it will most likely pas the trait to the future generation. This makes the trait to be more dominant in the population and in the successive generations breed. This eventually may lead to development of a new emergence of species with time. Using hominid evolution as example explain how natural selection is applied and understood to account for change over time Natural selection can be well cited in the hominid evolution where by in chimpanzee society, a child would not know who his father was as the females had multiple partners. At this early human culture, females were choosing their partners for procreation from their own discretion. Therefore, this made the male o form hi allegiance with his next generation through his sister but not from his own progeny. In chimpanzee, the bond of intimacy move through the mother. Outside a lush environment, a hominid female had a difficult time in bringing the child to maturity (Darwin, 1995). The evidence shows that in the periods of great climatic change the ancestors made a great physical and societal evolution. Therefore, it seen that the humanity may have originated during the time of food scarcity where the female choose the male which was capable of providing food to the community. This made the female ensure that community that emerged was inclined towards provision. This made the female choose these males for procreation partner. Therefore, this made the male to ensure that the hominid children never go hungry. Chimp`s behavior can be used to show how the female were used to choose their copulation partner where this theory starts falling in place. However, the bonobo chimpanzees were different species of apes. With them, females were more dominant than their male counterpart was in their social structure. In this species, sex was a more interpersonal characteristic than in any other mammal. The male looked more cooperatively living with the females than in chimps. Males are more attracted towards children. Otherwise, they also do not know their paternity just like the other chimps. However, the evolutional relationship between the bonobo and chimpanzee shows heterochronic trajectory. Through the selection of the male characteristic by the females, some of the male were favored especially the one that offered a more help to the children and the female. Sexual selection that determined the characteristic of men that were dominant at this stage influenced the emergence of the current modern man. Such characteristic as the sexual selection of men who were good in art, music and so on is equivalent to natural selection that made the emergence of more productive human with bigger brain due to their creativity. 2. Define and explain what evidence is utilized by Paleo-anthropologist to support the document of their claim with examples and in details. Paleoanthropologist is the study of ancient human through the evidence that has been put across by the evidence of fossil hominid through perfected bones and footprints. They combine paleontology and physical anthropology. This science began at around 19th century where important discovery were made that bled to study of human evolution. This when Neanderthal man was discovered in Germany, this was evidently put in place by Thomas Huxley`s Evidence in the Man` Place in Nature and Charles Darwin in The Descent of Men that put across important pale anthropological research. In 1856, skeleton of Neanderthal man was found which was an evident of cave men. This offered an idea that human is similar to great apes. However, this was legitimatized through biological evolution that was out across by Charles Darwin through his publication on the origin of species that was published on 1859. Since the time of Carolus Linnaeus, the great apes were considered the closest relatives of human beings. This is based on the morphological similarities. Therefore, through the analysis that was done through the study of paleo-anthropologist it was speculated that the closest living human beings relatives are chimpanzee and gorillas (Darwin, 1995). Therefore, based on this, it s therefore seen that the human being and African apes had common ancestor. 3. Identify and define three reasons why the study of non human primates is central to the understanding of hominid evolution, provide details and examples. The study of non humans is very important to the anthropologists are trying to sturdy the evolution in humans this study will ensure that the anthropologist is in a position identifying the changes that are mostly related to the study of evolution in humans. The main reason that makes the study of non human primates is because of a common ancestry that the humans and the primates share, this is basically as a result of the characteristics and vague physical resemblance that these living organism share the most significant issue is when these two living organisms is the resemblance of limbs, walking in an upright manner, the placement of the nose (narrow/ flat) and the dental formula (arrangement) of these non primates (Darwin, 1995). In this case the scientists will be in a position of noting these necessary changes that the non human primates are encountering and thus try and make a predication to what the humans will be facing incase of any change. The second reason for studying the non primates as ways aimed at understanding the way the human evolve is the size on the non primate`s size of brains, this is because the in primates and the humans possesses the biggest volume of brain as compared to all the other mammals in the world today (Darwin, 1995). The non human primates have the same brain volume as compared to the human brain whose brain mass contains the same and thus they can be in a position of adopting an learning more about the surroundings th...
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