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Natural Selection

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I'll attach the details. i attached a file it has an eight questions i need you to write me 1 page each question since my order is eight pages.
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QTN. 1. Natural Selection
Natural selection is a process through which some distinct biological traits become more conspicuous or less conspicuous in a population due to some consistent factors that exist in reproduction or survival of their bearers. Natural selection is considered as being pivotal in evolution processes. While attempting to elaborate natural selection through inculcating the ideas of sexual selection, Charles Darwin brought out the idea of genetic variation as being one of the factors can affect reproductive processes. Therefore, genetic variation can cause some individuals appropriately reproduce and survive than others hence explaining the role of natural selection. Natural selection acts on the visible characteristics (the phenotype) of a living thing while the heritable basis (genetic) creates a reproductive advantage that will remain conspicuous and common in a specific population (Eisley, 1958). With time, this process culminates into adaptations that rise to make particular populations known for specific characteristics and can eventually evolve to new species. Therefore, natural selection stands out as a crucial process through which evolution takes occurs in a particular population.
Natural selection acts as a sieve through which some particular characteristics can be passed on for instance in the evolution of hominids. Hominids were basically tribal animals who were bipedal. The earliest hominids were Australopithecus who were bipedal with a cranial capacity of approximately 450cc, were small and apelike. As the Australopithecus continued to reproduce, these distinct characteristics remained prominent in their offspring but in a more evolved manner. This resulted into the human genus Homo in which these characteristics were exhibited as being more advanced. The Homo Habilis had a cranial capacity of 750cc and it later evolved to give birth to Homo erectus that had the brain capacity of 900cc and finally the Homo erectus evolved to Homo Sapiens who had a cranial capacity of 1350cc. This depicts the importance of natural selection as the cranial capacity remained prominent but in a more advanced way.
Qtn. 2. Paleoanthroplogy
Paleoanthography combines the fields of paleontology and physical anthropology in explaining human evolution. It mainly focuses on biological changes that have occurred over time and contributed to the existence of Homo sapiens. Palaeantropology applies various fundamental concepts in elaborating its findings on human evolution. It inculcates concepts such as punctuated equilibrium, natural selection, design and particular scenarios to explain its research.
Paleonthologists such as Charles Darwin, Richard Owen and Thomas Huxley argue that man has evolved over time to become an homo sapien (Eisley, 1958). Thomas Huxley illustrates many similarities and differences between humans and apes. The three depict the fact that human beings descended from apes. They are of opinion that human beings developed to be who they are today by a mode of branching from their ancestors. The theory of natural selection plays a key role in explaining how this branching occurred.
The similarities that paleonthologists use to justify their claims are that there exists many similarities between apes and human beings. The apes just like human beings are compassionate, think though their thinking capacity is below that of human beings, they too give birth, breastfeed and take good care of their young ones just like human beings. Their physical structure is also similar to that of Homo sapiens in that they use their front hinds to eat and do some other activities just as human beings. Paleonthologists are of the view that overtime humans have evolved to from the original apes to acquire more advanced characteristics such as using two hinds to walk, their thinking capacity has widened, but have still maintained some physical characters like using their hands to eat and being compassionate about their young ones.
Qtn. 3 Study of Non-human Primates
The study of non-human primates is crucial to understanding hominid evolution because many ancestral characteristics of man are similar to those of other animals. The first characteristic is that 4 million years ago, man was a herd herbivore just like many animals today and he still remains characteristic herbivore up to date. Man was intellectually not developed and he behaved like any common animal today. Such instincts like cooperation, compassion, mother-love, inventiveness, curiosity and competitiveness which were embedded in the historic man are also present in animals whereby animals compete for food, are compassionate and show motherly love to their young ones (Eisley, 1958). Also has man developed to change character overtime and become more intelligent, animals can also attain some level of intelligence through training. This shows the important link that exists between man’s social life and the animal’s social life , hence, making their history fundamental in studying human evolution.
Natural selection can be applied in animal evolution in attempting to explain how species evolve to acquire some distinct characteristic that develop overtime to become more advanced. For instance the study of the manner in which animals such as cows reproduce, the phenotypic characteristics inherited by their offspring, and the manner in which these characteristics evolve to become more advanced is crucial in understanding how the man evolved to acquire the unique characteristics he depicts today which greatly differ from those of his ancestors.
Animals behave in a manner that is closely associated with that of human being ancestors. Animal behaviors such as looking for its own food, eating raw food, sharing food with fellow animals are characteristics that are similar to human being ancestors. Studying the history of animals like dogs and how their behaviors have changed overtime, how they came to be under the control of man and the role they play is essential in understanding how man’s behavior evolved to being able to make rational decisions.
Qtn. 4 Difference between Macro and Micro Evolution
The difference between macro and microevolution possess major confusions to the Darwinian evolution views and the Christian evolution views as perceived in the world today (Eisley, 1958). Microevolution mainly involves the adaptations and changes within species whereas macroevolution deals is basically the addition of new transition traits to a new form of species. Microevolution remains to be a fact that is clearly depicted throughout nature. Macroevolution theory has never been scientifically observed. Evolutionists assert that creation believers ignore the facts and realities of how life began although Christians do not disagree with any of the evolutionists’ observations. Micro evolution stands out as a fact that has never ...
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