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The Reflective Annotated Bibliography

Essay Instructions:

WRTG 291 

Writing Assignment #2

The Reflective Annotated Bibliography

Writing Assignment #2 will be a reflective annotated bibliography of 5-6 sources.

Courses that fulfill the General Education Requirements (GERs) at UMUC all have a common theme—technological transformations. In following this theme this semester in WRTG 291, we are examining various essays on some technological themes. In this annotated bibliography, you will continue this theme of technological transformations.

Organization for the Reflective Annotated Bibliography

In this assignment you will

1.find 5-6 articles on a theme related to technology. 

2.list each article in alphabetical order in APA format. In other words, you will list each on as an APA reference. 

3.write a précis, a vocabulary section, a reflection, and a quotables section after each listing. More details that explain each of these sections are provided below.

Part 1: The Précis: In this section, you will provide a descriptive summary of the material. To observe a video tutorial that takes you through the process of summarizing an article in a descriptive manner, click here.

You will want to include the author’s main claim in the article as well as any sub-claims. In addition, please include the types of evidence the author uses to support this claim, including what data/facts/evidence the author uses to justify the claims of the article. Finally, you will want to mention the interpretations that this author arrives at through the claims and evidence and the points or conclusions she presents. You may use the first-person point of view (“I”) in your précis.

Your précis for each article should be 100-150 words.

Part 2: Vocabulary: In this section, you will select key terms that were used in the article or words with which you were unfamiliar. You don’t need to include definitions of these terms; however, you should look up their definitions for your own benefit. 

You should come up with 5-10 vocabulary terms for each article.

Part 3: Reflection: In this section, you will describe your opinion about what the author has stated in the article. Please state whether you agree, disagree, or agree on some points and disagree on others. You can mention any criticisms, questions, or comments you have on the author’s methods of research. In addition, include any unanswered questions you have as a result of having read the article carefully. Include items or concepts that you do not understand, information you would need to have in order to better understand the article, etc. You will, of course, use the first-person point of view (“I”) in this part of the reflective annotated bibliography.

Your reflection section for each article should be 100-150 words.

Part 4: Quotables: In this section, you will insert direct quotations from the article that you feel exemplify its claims or interpretations. You can also include sentences in which the author stated his or her claims exceptionally well. Please include page number(s) where you found the quotes. Moreover, please place quotation marks around the chosen phrase and make sure you cite the phrase verbatim. 

Your quotables section for each article should contain 4-8 quotes.

More Resources on Writing an Annotated Bibliography:

The following are some links to sample Annotated Bibliographies. However, please keep in mind that these are samples of conventional annotated bibliographies, not of reflective annotated bibliographies, as this assignment asks for.

•A variety of samples from The University of North Carolina Writing Center, including these specific examples of APA-style annotations.

•Some instruction from Cornell University. The website also provides more information on the process of writing an annotated bibliography.

•Some samples from Memorial University in Newfoundland.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reflective Annotated Bibliography
Section 1
Annotated Bibliography
In order to create the schools that are needed to meet the holistic demands of students with the regards to the contemporary society, proper approaches have to be incorporated. For quite some time, nations engage in monumental efforts geared towards improving the achievements of students. Progress has been made dismally, but there is still more that needs to be done. It is upon this background that a proper system that delivers results is incorporated in the education sector. In the 21st century, no results can be achieved without the incorporation of technology into learning. It is, therefore, imperative that schools maximize on the impacts of technology in achieving results.
Leer, R., & Ivanov, S. (2013). Rethinking the Future of Learning: The Possibilities and Limitations of Technology in Education in the 21st Century. International Journal of Organizational Innovation, 5(4), 14-20.
It has been determined that the way schools carry out the task of educating learners needs to change. It is important that investments should be made on the intellectual capital which is essential for learners who seek for opportunities to meet the challenges of the 21st century. Through this, they are allowed to fill jobs as skilled workers who are equipped on technological advancements. There are many factors that can be incorporated to reshape the education sector.
Leer and Ivanov site that technology is one of the change agents that can restructure education. In my view, education as a driver of change has the capacity to cripple schools and their programs and also the potential to transform education if used well. There is a need to use technology in particular ways to assist in effective learning. The education technology field according to this author brings with it experts in education and technology in creating a more effective, efficient, and sustainable model of education. In education, technology incorporates online learning, e-learning, distance learning and all other features that arrive in the market.
Chen, J., Yun Dai, D., & Zhou, Y. (2013). Enable, Enhance, and Transform: How Technology Use Can Improve Gifted Education. Roeper Review, 35(3), 166-176.
The advent of technology is increasingly prevalent in education according to Chen Yun Dai, & Zhou Y. According to them, a systematic approach that conceptualizes, incorporates, and utilizes the current technology in education should be designed. The framework to this design should enable, enhance, and transform the learners in educational facilities. In their view, the functions of this technological support should enable learners to expand their capacity by improving the quality of education and also transforming education through the creation of new approaches and possibilities.
Chen Yun Dai & Zhou Y suggests that a well-designed research should be structured, that articulates the role of technology in education and tests its effectiveness in achieving the goals in learning. In line with this, I believe it is, therefore, necessary for schools to Initiate and blend technology in the education process in order to achieve results.
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