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Quantum Computing

Essay Instructions:

The focus on the first part of this project is to select a new innovative technology or application concept (something new and not currently on the market) for a specific technology or application that will be developed and ultimately marketed. The new technology or application concept selected for this paper will be used as focus for the remaining written assignments. You will write a 2–3 page (350 words per page) paper in APA format addressing the following topics below. You should also include as part of this paper any acknowledgements and resources used (e.g., websites, textbooks, articles). Each written assignment should include three or more references.

Describe the ideation process (e.g. generating, filtering and validating ideas) to come up with a new specific technology or application

Alternative solutions or concepts considered through the process

Overview of the technology or application concept selected

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Quantum Computing
Quantum computing is a new innovative technology or application concept that will be developed and ultimately marketed to replace the current digital computers. Quantum computing is a different approach from the classical computing in that it will have the capability to process large-scale, very complex problems in exponentially short span of time. Quantum computers are defined as hypothetical machines that uses quantum principles to process information
(Betz, 2010). While the classical digital computers uses strings of ‘bits’ encoded either as a zero or a one, the quantum computers uses quantum bits also referred as qubits. The difference between the two systems is that a quantum system or a qubit is capable of encoding the zeros and ones into two distinguishable states (Betz, 2010). The concept of superposition and entanglement is the application concept that this paper has capitalized on regarding the new technology of quantum computing (Gershon, 2013).
The Concept of Superposition and Entanglement
This concept is relevant in the new technology of quantum computing because qubits behave quantumly. The concept of superposition in quantum computing refers to the ability of the quantum systems to be in multiple states simultaneously. This means for example that something can be ‘down’ or ‘up’ or ‘here’ and ‘there’ at the same time. The concept of entanglement refers to the extremely strong correlation between quatum particles (Gershon, 2013). Quantum particles are intrinsically connected in perfect unison even when separated by extremely great distances. These concept is therefore very useful to the future of computing and communication technologies courtesy of quantum computing.
The Superposition Principle is where a quantum system can be in one of two mutually distinguishable states |A > and | B >, at once.
In other words, quantum system can be in the superposition of states
α | A>+ β | B> where α and β are complex numbers and |α|2 + |β|2= 1.
If looked at the system, the chance of seeing it in state |A> is |α|2 and in state |B> is |β|2
(Gershon, 2013).
What Quatum Systems Can Do
The ideation process of this new innovative computing technology is that a quantum computer will be capable of processing vast numbers of calculations at the same time. While the classical computers uses ones and zeros only, the quantum computer will be able to use ones, zeros and ‘superpositions’ of 1s and 0s. This will make difficult tasks that have always been thought as intractable or impossible for the classical digital computers to be effectively and efficiently possible with the quantum computers (Gershon, 2013).
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