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The Purpose of the PICO Question

Essay Instructions:

Discuss the following:

Discuss the purpose defining the purpose of the PICO question.

Explain the purpose of your PICO question.

Submission Instructions:

Use the PICO question from the previous order 00152004

This is the feed back I got from order 00152004: "Consider adding more specifics to your question. What age group, what gender, and what mental illness are you referring to? By drilling down on your PICO question, you have a greater ability to gather meaningful and useful data. "

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The PICO Question
For Black people with mental health problems (P), how does receiving psychiatric care (I) versus not receiving psychiatric care (C) affect their mortality rate (O)?
The Purpose of the PICO Question
The health needs of Black people are not being met. In some cases, Black people mistrust health care, particularly psychiatric care, because of racism in these healthcare services (Alang, 2019). Thus, racism and inadequate psychiatric care adversely affect the health of Black people. As a result, the PICO question seeks to determine the effects of providing psychiatric care on the mortality rate of Black people.
The Explanation of the PICO Question's Purpose
Black people have long been victims of racism. Racism has an impact on their entire lives. For instance, Black people have been the victims of police brutality. According to one study, 23% of those killed by police officers are Black people (McLeod et al., 2020). This incident has brought trauma and fear to Blacks. However, the situation for Black Women has been more difficult. They face discrimination not only because of their race but also their gender. They have always been the victims and have been neglected by society. These women have been subjected to violence, sexual harassment, assault, and other misfortunate events leading to various mental health problems (Catabay et al., 2019; Gómez & Gobin, 2020). Black Women have a higher rate of depression than other groups and gender due to discrimination against their race and gender (Williams & Lewis, 2019). Thus, the PICO question aims to determine the effects of providing psychiatric care on the mortality rate of Black Women aged 20 to 30 who have experienced violence and abuse.
In a study, 73% of women victims of sexual violence have experienced depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (Catabay et al., 2019). In another study, the pandemic has significantly impacted Black Women's mental health. Since Black Women are afraid of contracting the virus, they leave the workforce to reduce their chances of becoming ill. Furthermore, the Black Women's role, particularly as mothers, has impacted their mental health, which has been made more difficult by the pandemic (Foxwell et al., 2021). Thus, the pandemic has genuinely affected Black Women. With all the information, it is evident that there is a need to provide psychiatric care to these women to reduce the burden of the stress caused by their mental health.
Even though there is a great need to provide psychiatric care to Black Women who have been victims of violence and abuse, they still do not receive the needed services. There are several reasons for this matter. One possible reason for this is their mistrust of the healthcare system. The healthcare system has also been influenced by racism. Some policies exclude Black people in general. Moreover, Blacks are always undertreated and do not receive health services (Sacks, 2018). Another possible reason is technology. The use of artificial intelligence in the healthcare system is no longer new. Technology has helped institutions in providing better and faster services. However, there are cases wherein artificial intelligence has been biased. There are situations wherein these AIs do not recognize a Black person. Blacks are most likely labeled criminals (Parikh et al., 2019). Poverty can also be why these people do not receive the necessary healthcare services. Psychiatric care is not affordable, and not everyone can afford the services. Blacks are not that wealthy and will prioritize necessities other than psychiatric care. The stigma about mental health is also another reason. There is a belief that people who...
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