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The Pigman, by Paul Zindel Theme Essay

Essay Instructions:

The essay should be on The Pigman, by Paul Zindel. double spaced 12-point. The essay should be concentrated on the theme of the novel, not just a summary about the novel. Also include a thesis statement about the theme in the introductory paragraph. The remaining paragraphs should include supporting details from the novel to support the thesis. The conclusion, should briefly restate the supporting details.

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The Pigman
The pigman is a novel that narrates the lives of two teenagers, John and Lorraine. The two play a game of calling complete strangers and keep them on the line as long as they could. It was during Lorraine turn that she bumped to a stranger called Mr. Pignati under the pretence of a charity fund for young actors and writers. Lorraine noticed the sadness and loneliness of Mr. Pignati and this made him happy to have a person to talk to at last. The teens insisted for a donation and Mr. Pignati agreed to donate ten dollars and they had to go over to his house to collect the donation. This novel depicts the destiny and growing up of children in the society (Zindel, 1975).
The next day the two teens went to pick the donation and they sat around, drunk his wine and became sociable toward each other; indeed from that day they formed a family, working together before the sudden change of events after the death of Mr. Pignati (Shmoop, Shmoop Staff, 2010). These teens disliked school and they spent most of their time with Mr. Pignati who they nicknamed as pigman. They develop a strong relationship while they grow up and cooperating together with their new companion. The pigman’s house is where they developed the aspect of love and trust as they felt unwanted and unloved by their families and are in the path of self destruction. There are some valuable lessons that John and Lorraine learn regarding the truth about friendship and betrayal that cannot be forgotten; they in turn plan to have a destructive party in pigman’s house.
The themes that the novel portrays are the growing up, fate and destiny, and the gap between generations. Growing up is the most prevalen...
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