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The Meaning of Culture and Identity

Essay Instructions:

Take-Home Writing Assignement #2

Writing Assignments #2 will be about 3 double-spaced pages long max papers based on the critical analysis of the reading materials readings assigned from class 8 to class 10 (included) of the course. In this assignment, you will be requested to select at least 2 readings among those assigned during the aforementioned time spans, and critically evaluate their respective contents in comparison with each other. The submission of your Writing Assignments will need to follow the anti-plagiarism procedures described in the “Assignments online submission policies” section of the syllabus. Please respect page limits. 

As specified in the syllabus, take-home assignment 2 will require you to write an "about 3 double-spaced pages long max paper based on the critical analysis of the reading materials [...] classes 8 to 10 of the course. In each writing assignment you will be requested to select at least 2 readings among those assigned during the aforementioned time spans, and critically evaluate their respective contents in comparison with each other."

In order to successfully accomplish this task, I suggest you select one of the topics we have debated in the course (ex.: "what is culture", “what are the limits of our attempts to interpret cultural diversity”,  “how can we overcome such limits via ethnographic research methods”, etc.), show how this topic is effectively addressed by at least 2 out of the assigned readings, and describe differences and/or similarities in the ways how the two readings respectively approach the topic in question. In case, you could also add your personal take on such a comparison in your conclusions, but this is not be mandatory.

More in general, I would suggest you structure your papers as follows:

a) Spell out the topic your assignment is talking about;

b) Spell out what is the claim of the first assigned reading on that topic;

c) Spell out what is the claim of the second (and potentially the third, fourth, etc.) assigned reading on that topic;

d) Shortly compare the respective takes of the two assigned readings on that topic to each other, and make clear your personal opinion on what anthropological insights do emerge from this comparison.

Please use the Chicago or APA style system of quotations (ex: "Giusto, 2018: 1") in your paper, and include a bibliography (that is, a list of quoted sources) after the end of your paper (the bibliography do not count for the maximum amounts of pages). You can also quote lecture contents (as follows: "lecture 1, date") in your paper, but lectures will not count as one of the two sources requested by the assignment.


Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Meaning of Culture and Identity
This critical analysis focuses on two readings assigned from class 8 to class 10 exploring the meaning of culture and identity among different populations across the world. The first reading by Keith H. Basso (1970) examines the culture of silence among the Western Apache population. The author integrates sociolinguistics and ethno-scientific methods to explain why members belonging to the Western Apache society choose to refrain from speech or “give up on words.” From the cultural dimension, Basso (1970) applies collected evidence to present the values of silence behavior in the Western Apache culture and other societies around the world. In the second reading, Jemima Pierre (2008) discusses the place of contemporary African communities within the structures of global white supremacy and the diasporic discourses of transnational blackness and race. In the discussion, the author believes that race and racialization are critical to the formation of identities and cultural dynamics among local communities. The discussion presents the practice of skin bleaching in Ghana and among other populations of African descent in diaspora, which has attracted global attention. Both Basso (1970) and Pierre (2008) dissect the underlying meanings of cultural practices among different societies through ethnographic research methods.
Based on observations of different contextual variables, Basso (1970) claims that the culture of refraining from speech is shared among different communities, including the Western Apache and the Navajos. Among the Navajo communities, silence behavior is critical during courting, expressing anger, during morning, when interacting with patients, or after a long absence with relatives (Basso, 1970). The Western Apache society refrains from speech based on social situations, especially in ambiguous status of focal participants. They may also choose silence to sum up or reiterate as a response to unpredictability or uncertainty in social relations (Basso, 1970). By exploring the culture of chemical skin bleaching among populations in urban Ghana, Jemima (2008) demonstrates ways in which particular racialized appreciation of meaning are met in modern postcolonial African societies. The author argues that racialization through skin bleaching among the Ghanaians needs to be contextualized within the global racial formations. In other words, it is necessary to examine the interconnectedness of global and local ideologies and racial practices. Jemima’s (2008) observes that the practice of skin bleaching and attaching value to whiteness is not only within the context of Ghana culture, but widespr...
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