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Reducing the Inevitability of Algorithmic Bias

Essay Instructions:

Project 4: The Research Essay: Entering the Conversation

Prince George’s Community College

EGL 1010

Summer 2022

Project 4 is a thesis-driven argumentative research paper.

*Please note* This essay is REQUIRED to pass EGL 1010.

Length Requirements: Minimum length requirement is six complete pages.

Guidelines: In an essay of at least 6 complete pages, create an argument that answers your approved research question regarding algorithms and the United States healthcare system or algorithms and the United States criminal justice system. Your essay should synthesize resources to present compelling evidence about your argument. Paragraphs should be clear and unified. Evidence should be introduced and analyzed completely. You should use a mixture of summary, quote, and paraphrase, as appropriate. Cite sources correctly and responsibly in either MLA or APA style. Include a Works Cited (MLA) or Reference Page (APA).

Our class uses only MLA style documentation. Every college paper has both in-text citations and a works cited page. The bibliographic page and other identifying information do not count towards the word/page count. Again, the bibliographic page and in-text citations are required.

Integrity Check: No plagiarism of any form will be accepted. No “double dipping.” See course syllabus.

Points: 250 points

Due: Sunday, July 31, 2022, upload to Blackboard by 11:59 pm

Students are to continue to develop original research papers using the topic of focus from Project 3. No exceptions. All students have been familiar with the essay topics since completion of Project 3. No new topics may be introduced. Any essays written about topics that divert from the chosen topic used for Project 3 will not be accepted/graded resulting in failure. A reminder that students must choose either:

Algorithms and the United States criminal justice system


Algorithms and the United States healthcare system

Using the topic, you selected from Project 3: Narrow the parameters of the topic and present a strong and clear position. Student positions will vary based on the angle of your research paper and your research question. Present a strong argument throughout the research paper and a clear rationale for your position. During Project 3 you found outside sources that support your rationale and thesis statement.

Intended Audience: Academic audience (tone, language and style should be appropriate for an academic audience). Use the third person objective to frame claims, arguments, and evidence.

Purpose: To make an original thesis-driven argument and to further support this argument with proper MLA formatting, original arguments, thoughtful analysis, credible CRAAP tested evidence using scholarly sources responsibly, accurate in-text citations, effective transitions and topic sentences, strong counterarguments and rebuttals, solid point-by-point, well executed conclusions, and a seamless works cited page.

Source Requirements: All 7 sources from the Project 3 Annotated Bibliography will be used for Project 4. Remember that your sources should be several pages each. Not brief 1–3-page articles.

You MUST submit and have your annotated bibliography approved (D (65%) or higher) before this essay can be accepted.

The course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

1.Write informative, analytical, and argumentative essays that demonstrate the student’s ability to

1.Formulate a restricted, unified and precise thesis statement;

2.Organize essay content into introduction, body, and conclusion paragraphs;

3.Compose restricted, unified, and precise topic sentences for paragraphs;

4.Construct and organize unified, coherent, and well-developed paragraphs;

5.Apply grammar and usage rules correctly;

6.Develop clear, concise sentences.

2.Write research-based essays using secondary sources, successfully demonstrating the characteristics listed in Course Outcome 1.

3.Demonstrate the ability to use the library and online resources to locate and evaluate material relevant to specific topic:

1.Record notes in sufficient detail and with accurate citations;

2.Synthesize several different sources into an essay to support its thesis;

3.Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of plagiarism by correctly summarizing, quoting, paraphrasing, citing, and acknowledging sources through in-text parenthetical and end-of-text bibliographic documentation according to MLA/APA format.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reducing the Inevitability of Algorithmic Bias in the Healthcare Setting
Technology has indeed made its way throughout human lives. Whether it be in our personal, professional, or any other domain, society’s dependence on technology has become so embedded that critical decisions on all fronts are made with the help of technology. However, one of the technical issues is the possibility that despite its promises of ‘plain objectivity,’ human emotions and bias can still be present. Accordingly, the author of this article would like to focus on one of the domains (or fields) that usually use technology in making critical decisions – healthcare. In the following sections of this article, the author will discuss the debate between the presence of algorithmic bias in healthcare, evidence of its existence, and ways to reduce its effects on healthcare social outcomes. All in all, it is the author’s belief that despite using coded and pre-programmed algorithms that aim to make objective choices, biases in current-day technologies can only be reduced and not removed. 
The Debate
           As stated earlier, one of the main issues is the use of technologies (i.e., artificial intelligence) in making healthcare decisions, whether within or outside the healthcare setting. As of today, artificial intelligence is used in determining risks of illnesses, pharmaceutical target selection, and administrative management, to name a few (Raghupathi & Raghupathi, 2014). All of these are affected by the opposite views on the use of algorithms. 
           On the one hand, one side of the debate exists that while algorithmic bias may exist, this is insignificant because of the existing laws and regulations that serve as the foundation of any program. This includes measures such as a diverse selection of stakeholders (i.e., coders, managers, and designers, among others) who partake in the actual development of these technologies, thereby reducing its adverse effects (Igoe, 2021). 
           On the other hand, however, the more prominent side shows that bias in the development of algorithms can exist at every step of the development process, such as data collection, processing, synthesis, and application, to name a few. This more dominant view strongly believes that biases influence the whole selection process despite the promise of utmost objectivity on the part of the machine (Mahapatra, Krishnamurthi, & Nayyar, 2019). 
Biases and Evidence
           One evidence of significant algorithmic bias in social healthcare programs is the presence of racial disparities in the “determinative capacities” of AI technologies. Notably, it must be noted that several governments and healthcare programs use these new technologies in order to make ‘rational’ decisions, such as the types of social benefit programs, the beneficiaries, and the frequency of aid, to name a few (Wahl et al., 2018). However, studies have shown that specific algorithms may favor one race or ethnicity as compared to one another. One multi-state study entitled “The Framingham Study” showed that some technologies could helpfully predict cardiovascular illnesses and other cardiovascular illnesses for Caucasians, but not as well as for African Americans (Binder, Balmford, & Schumacher, 2019). Other studies also show that these kinds of biases may exist among more profound differences, such as genetic differences (Hackenberger, 2019). One example of this is the challenge of proper determination of the existence of microarray gene expression data for the determination of autism between people that has the proper genetic classifiers (i.e., SEMA4C, SP1, NFYA, among others) and those who do not (Ghaheri et al., 2015). In other words, these pieces of evidence suggest that algorithmic biases in the healthcare setting are present as early as the determinative phase of any program. 
           Aside from biases in the determination of patients, algorithmic bias may also exist in the case of treatment planning and provision. This includes the kind of treatment to be given to the pat...
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