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The importance of parenting skills in today's society

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The importance of Parenting skills in today's society and the problems associated with inadequate parenting and possible solutions
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The importance of parenting skills in today`s society
The importance of parenting skills in today`s society and the problems associated with inadequate parenting and possible solutions
In every given day, millions of adults around the universe experience the joys and heartaches, the challenges and rewards of becoming new parents. Even though most people are becoming parents without forgetting that everyone who ever lived had parent, the parenting issue has remain to be a mystifying subject in which every individual has an opinion in which few people agree. The fact of those issues that are agreed upon is that it`s the principle and continuing task of parents in every generation to prepare their children of the next generation for the economic, physical as well psychosocial situation in which those children must endure and prosper Kanner &Assaraf (2011). It is a fact that there are many factors influencing the development of children where parental hood and the parenting skills are the final common pathway to childhood oversight and care giving, development and stature, adjustment and success. This paper seeks to look at the importance of parenting skills in today`s society and the problems associated with inadequate parenting as well look at the possible solutions for these issues
It can be very disturbing with the anxieties of day to day existing to find a comfortable and health balance of parental roles. It is true that parenting does not come naturally although to some extent it`s easier for mother to develop a maternal bond. For this reason, parenting skills depend mainly on the family histories of the new parents as most skills are learned from our own parents, for better or worse.
Parenting is full of challenges but they are as well solved if a given couple decides to come up with skills on how to raise their children but this do not happen in every couple since some may decide to talk about it before they get marriage and have children while others decide to talk about it after they have children, but in both cases, the challenges of parental skill are still there, a challenge that has become an obstacle in bringing up a child (Miles, 2011).
Though we may blame the parents on their way of bringing up their children, it is true to say that parenting is under fire today account of strong secular and historical trends which are operating in the modern society. Some of the challenges that are affecting us to a situation that parents no longer have the parenting skills are: Urbanization, industrialization, poverty, increase in population and the widespread of dual parental employment which constitutes centrifugal forces on parenting and the family.
Society is witnessing the materialization of conspicuous permutations in parenthood as well the constellation of the family structure more so coming up with the best parenting skills. There are some disputes that have contributed to poor child brought up that has made it possible to reflect on the ways and skills of bringing up a child. Among the issues include: increase in the rate of single mother in the society, divorced and blended families and on the other hand there is the first-time moms and dads who brought up children with all the love but lack the parental skill probably because they also didn`t know what to have for their children or else neglecting and assuming they will learn on their own (Sohn, & Grayson, 2005).
It is true to say that generally, the family parental hood to be specific is in a disconcerted state, of questions flux, and re-definition. Since the society-wide changes exert numerous unfortunately debilitative influences on parental skills, interactions between parents and their children as well that of children and their development, organizations at all levels of the society seems to feel the need to intervene in childrearing and to right some of society`s ills through family intervention.
Though parents has lost their way of childrearing children as well lack the parental skills, the fact is that parents play a vital role in their children`s life. For instance, parents are the primary advocate and always in the front line do defend their beloved kids. In many cases, it is the parent who will always act like the corps available in the greatest number to lobby and labor for children (Kanner &Assaraf, 2011). Though every parent want only the best for their children, it is high time we change our minds and accept that we no longer have parental skills something that we should be thinking of how to acquire and perhaps give it to our children and encourage people to be passing them from generation to generation to avoid what is being experienced in today`s parental hood
Importance of parenting skills in today`s society
According to Gray (1999), parenting skills are vital and every parent try his/her best to make sure that they brought up their children in the perfect way, but lack of skills hinder them from achieving their goals. It is fundamental to note that people come from different cultures, and therefore every parent holds different understanding on the meaning and significance of their values and behaviors as well as the development of their children. These facts has made a challenging environment for children to know which way to go due t...
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