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The Health Information Management

Essay Instructions:

You are working with other health information management professionals to build data tables for a healthcare organization. Your team has been assigned the job of taking the data elements found in various uniform data sets and building a data dictionary for each uniform data set. You must understand the different types of healthcare data so that you can apply the correct ones to your data tables.
A. Describe the characteristics of each of the following categories of data that are used in a healthcare setting and include a comparison of how they are similar and different from each other:
• primary data
• secondary data
The description includes the characteristics of primary data and secondary data and a comparison of how each is similar and different from the other data category. The description is accurate and logically organized.
1. Provide a unique example of how each of the categories of healthcare data described in part A may appear in a healthcare setting.—primary data will be unique to the patient – secondary data will be de-identified, no patient data but used by agencies like CDC
A unique example of how each of the categories of primary data and secondary data can be applied in a healthcare setting is provided, and specific descriptions are included where appropriate. The provided examples of application are accurate.
2. Describe a relevant potential source of data and how the data could be collected for each application of healthcare data you described in part A1.
The description includes a potential source of data for each application of healthcare data described in part A1. The description of each source is thorough and relevant to a healthcare setting.
3. Justify why each type of data is appropriate for the healthcare setting application that you described in part A1.
The justification logically supports why a specific characteristic of each type of data makes it appropriate for the application setting described in part A1 and identifies specific characteristics about each type of data.
B. Discuss a specific example of how healthcare record data from uniform data sets can be used in healthcare organizations.-there are 13 different kinds, all unique to hospital, home health, long term care etc,,
The discussion provides a specific example of how healthcare record data from uniform data sets can be used in healthcare organizations.
C. Describe a specific application of data dictionaries within a health information (HI) system.
1. Justify how the use of data dictionaries could improve an organization’s communication across the continuum of care.—what it is, who is it for, where is it used, for example Oasis data dictionary is specific to home health agencies – a data dictionary will be structure in a database, for example to be used like demographics, first field will be 12 characters, second field will be 8 characters etc , maybe have a drop down for city, state fields, HL7 is the best known data dictionary, name of application , EHR or master data index standard fields, interoperability and how we standardize

D. Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Health Information Management – Data Types and Tables
Student Name
Program Name or Degree Name (e.g., Master of Science in Nursing), Walden University
COURSE XXX: Title of Course
Instructor Name
Month XX, 202X
Health Information Management – Data Types and Tables
Health information management refers to collecting, storing, protecting, and analyzing the quality of patient and community health information (Haried, Claybaugh, & Dai, 2017). The purpose of health information management is to enable the generation of information that can inform decision-makers in health systems to make evidence-based decisions on health processes, policies, and optimal allocation of scarce resources. Therefore, health information management is a crucial component of modern medical approaches that medical professionals should grasp to collect, document, and communicate data with key stakeholders in the public health system. The current paper is an overview of the common data types and tables utilized in different healthcare scenarios and situations.
A: Primary and Secondary Data
Primary and secondary data are the critical data types utilized in health information management systems. Primary data is data acquired directly from subjects of interest by medical professionals (Oachs & Watters, 2020). This could be through laboratory experiments, quantitative and qualitative (surveys and interviews) research outcomes, clinical trial outcomes, and data directly from patients within or without a health care facility or organizations such as hospitals. There are several key characteristics of primary data. For instance, primary data is original and expensive because collection takes a considerable effort, time, and resources. This is because the collector must interact with the subjects within a given period, sometimes years, to produce quality data. On the other hand, secondary data refers to existing data collected by someone other than the primary user (Haried, Claybaugh, & Dai, 2017). Secondary data sources include data collected for other research problems by individual experts, professionals, or researchers, information collected by government departments and agencies, and data collected by organizations. Primary and secondary data have the same content, with differences emerging only in how each is collected.
Appearance of Primary and Secondary Data in Health Settings
Within healthcare settings, one unique way primary data appears is through electronic health records (EHR). EHR is a digital version of a patient's paper chart (Haried, Claybaugh, & Dai, 2017). They contain a patient's medical history regarding diagnoses, demographics, treatment plans, medication, allergies, laboratory & test results, radiology images, and immunization records. A unique aspect of the appearance of primary data in health settings is that it is unique to each patient. Authorized organizations or government agencies can use the data to formulate...
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