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The Feminism Embodied in Elizabeth in Pride and Prejudice

Essay Instructions:

Length: 1000 words (+/- 10%). The bibliography is not included in the word-count.
Weight: 20% of the total grade
Format: Times New Roman, double-spaced, 12pt. Your project should have the title "WRIT1000 Assessment Three - Project Draft - xxxxxxxx" where "xxxxxxxx" is your tentative title. Please only submit Word documents (.doc or .docx). Turnitin does not recognise .pages files.
Description: For your third assessment in WRIT1000, you need to submit a 1000-word draft of your final piece. A draft piece of writing is an opportunity to test out your ideas, sort out what sources are most compelling, work on your style, and determine whether or not you are on the right track. Your final piece of writing is going to be longer by 500 words, so you won't be able to provide everything in this draft. Instead, you are submitting a work-in-progress.
By this point in the process, your academic piece of writing should definitely:
~ Have a tentative title
~ Have an argument (a main idea, question to answer, claim to make, etc.) that is clear, specific, and well-articulated
~ Have at least 3 academic sources (including the source from the previous assessment) that you refer to, quote from, and discuss. These MUST be properly cited.
~ Have the beginnings of a structure that is relevant to your field (e.g. scientific report, longform article, research essay, legal opinion, etc.)
~ A bibliography (only include references that you have used in your draft)
Your marker should be able to tell what you are arguing, what evidence you are using, and get a sense of some of the conclusions you are likely to draw. You might like to draft your opening and concluding sections, and start to fill in some of the in-between material. You are not submitting a totally polished, perfect response at this point, so please know that your markers will be treating these as drafts--which is what they are!
Depending on your chosen discipline, topic, and style, you might be writing a literary analysis, a book review, a scientific report, a legal opinion, a longform piece of journalism, an educational commentary, a psychological report, etc. etc. This means that your draft should look like whatever form you are trying to emulate. One good hint for how to do this is look at an equivalent article from your chosen area. Most academic journals also have style guides or submission guidelines that you can look up on their websites. Whatever you have chosen to do, the form of your project should be taking shape.
(For a nice discussion of some (not all) forms of academic and professional writing, feel free to check out the University of Wisconsin's guide here (Links to an external site.) for some inspiration.) Deakin University also has some drafting hints hereLinks to an external site..
Exemplar Download Exemplar
I'm including an example of a student's draft from last semester. This student performed well across the whole unit and this submission received an HD. This is a strange thing to remind students, but still... please do not copy this student's work. That will constitute plagiarism! This is simply an example of what ONE student chose to write for their draft in a cohort of 300 students. Your paper might be entirely different. The key things to notice is their focus on the format of the task, their title, their clear argument, their use of sources, and their structure. Remember: this is still a draft! But it is a good start.

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The Feminism Embodied in Elizabeth in Pride and Prejudice
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The Feminism Embodied in Elizabeth in Pride and Prejudice

Feminism entails numerous ideologies and movements that intend to attain equal social, political, economic, cultural, and individual rights. In this regard, feminists seek to establish equal opportunities for women in all sectors of life. Feminism is regarded as a critical social theory that covers various aspects of life, including social, economic, and historical. The movement was birthed to defend women's rights and ensure that they have complementary and equal roles. Although there are differences between men and women, they must never impose limitations on the diverse genders. Many authors have advanced the use of literary works to communicate various feminist themes. Literary work is regarded as an expression of people's day-to-day lives, including their experiences, desires, and aims within society. Through this approach, many writers utilize their work as a way of criticizing social issues. They attain this goal by using diverse characters as embodiments of different ideologies that they intend to propagate. Jane Austen used social criticism in many of her works, clearly seen in the Feminism embodied in Elizabeth Bennet. In this essay, I will begin with an explanation of my viewpoint, followed by background information about Jane Austen and her individual experience, a discussion of feminism in  Elizabeth, and a summary of the text to prove my contention about feminism in Pride and Prejudice.
Explanation of View Point
            Pride and Prejudice is a classic novel by Jane Austen published during a period when women were oppressed. However, it has numerous feminist ideologies that are embodied in many characters. As an individual, I believe that feminism has influenced and led to many women's rights and equality developments. Through the representation of women within the novel, Austen criticizes the contemporary stereotypes associated with women, particularly the injustices perpetrated by a patriarchal society (DeForte, 2016). Throughout the story, the patriarchal aspects are seen through the entitlement of men. This is mainly seen in the ownership and inheritance of Bennet's estate, which is primarily reserved for men (Chandio et al., 2019). Through the novel, we can see Elizabeth's actions as foolish, but they assist in developing the feminist themes within the story (Suaidi & Rusfandi, 2016). It is a holistic approach that reveals the dangers associated with entitlement. Elizabeth refuses to marry to secure her happiness, which is mainly against the patriarchal order. Based on the events throughout the novel, I believe that Elizabeth embodies feminism in Pride and Prejudice.
Austen’s Background and Experiences
Jane Austen was born on 16th December 1775 in Hampshire. Today, it is more than 200 years since Jane Austen died, but her novel, Pride and Prejudice, exemplifies the feminist thoughts that ruled her life. During her period, the wellbeing of women was majorly attached to marrying well. However, her experiences as she grew up were vital. Austen's writing started when she was young. The family moved to Bath in 1801, and her father died in 1805 (Wang & Liu, 2011). The first novel was published in 1811 through the influence of her brother, who played a vital role in ensuring that the publisher accepted her work. Austen died in 1817 after being diagnosed with Addison disease (DeForte, 2016). The language and style used in the story are based on coded language that women used during the period.
Women's role...
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