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How Music Unified Everybody in the Woodstock Event

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The hippie movement was something that sparked a long term change for future generations. It has become the epitome of conscious awakening and opening to the possibilities of peace amidst war and chaos in America. It became a culture, by which people related and felt belongingness. It was a way out of the established world, and an opportunity for many to find peace, happiness and solace. There were plenty of artist who supported the cause of Woodstock, and it was music that unified everybody.
Jimi Hendrix was one of the central artist in the Woodstock event. He became an icon of this rebellion. Hendrix became the connection of the artists with the crowd, and he flowed with his music, as he swept away people with his message, and his inner feeling. The crowd resonated with Hendrix’s lyrics and style, and it paved the way to enhance the vibe of the festival. As other bands arrived, the intention, the message, and the consciousness of the people aligned in the celebration of the moment, and peace, and humanity. People related to the music, and it made them fell connected on an emotional, and as many claim, spiritual level.
Jimi Hendrix is a face of the hippie counter culture. This moment in history, where love, togetherness, and simplicity, and adventure is highlighted was only possible because of the public figures, the artists and the musicians, who bravely expressed themselves and inspired others to just be. Jimi Hendrix is worthy to be called a revolutionary, as he used the power of his music to promote a different perspective about life. Together with other musicians, he paved the way for people to experiment with a new kind of harmony and interaction in society.
Jimi Hendrix’s Star Spangled Banner was a monumental moment in the Woodstock event. The originality and the awakening to the reality of war and chaos around the world gave an indescribable essence to the event. He reminded them of truth, and their responsibility in changing the course of history. The American youth of that time was the generation that was exposed and lucky to witness such a monumental event. The philo...
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