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Air Pollution in Canada and the Tragedy of the Commons

Essay Instructions:

Length: 1000 to 1250 words (roughly 4 to 5 pages double spaced) not including references
This paper will consist of a response to the question below. The paper must identify an argument related to the question and support that argument with evidence from academic sources. The argument should be stated clearly in a thesis statement and then supported throughout the paper using sources as evidence. The paper will be evaluated based not on the position you decide to support, there is no right or wrong answer, but on the quality of your argument and how you deploy evidence (your sources) to support that argument.
In writing your paper, you must use at least 4 sources. 2 sources can be from course readings and you must locate at least 2 additional academic sources. You may of course also use additional readings from the course or other sources located by you. All sources must be referred to in the text of the paper and not just listed in the bibliography (as per standard APA rules).
Your paper must include:
An introduction including a clear statement of your thesis in support or opposition to the question posed.
A clearly developed argument, using evidence from your 4 academic sources, in support of your thesis.
A conclusion that restates your thesis and the argument found in your paper.
The paper must use the APA citation and reference list format.
Choose an environmental issue in Canada (for example the issues identified in the text) and argue whether that issue fits the model of the tragedy of the commons as outlined by Hardin (1968). Your paper should both define a tragedy of the commons and argue why your chosen issue does or does not conform to that understanding of environmental problems.
All written assignments are to be submitted through Quercus by 11:59pm on the day they are due. Students are responsible for submitting the correct assignment and the version submitted by the due date is the one that will be evaluated. Emailed assignments will not be accepted under any circumstances.
A late penalty of 5% per day (including weekends) will be assessed on any assignments turned in after the due date. Assignments more than five days overdue will not be accepted.
Grading Rubric:
15% Introduction/Conclusion
Introduces topic
Outlines argument
Conclusion restates argument
30% Thesis and Argument
Clear and appropriate thesis
Argument is well developed and consistently follows thesis
30% Evidence
Required academic sources
Supporting evidence linked to thesis
Evidence is appropriate and sufficient to support claims
15% Style
Proper punctuation with little or no editing problems
Clear and organized writing
10% Citation and References
Proper APA format (citations and reference section)
100% Total

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Air Pollution in Canada and the Tragedy of the Commons
Student’s Name
Air Pollution in Canada and the Tragedy of the Commons
Air pollution in Canada is associated with approximately 15,300 deaths per year (Health Canada, 2021). Exposure to harmful air like nitrogen oxides and sulphur oxide irritates the lungs and impairs their functions, which can cause chronic illnesses such as cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases and eventually death. The main cause of air pollution is direct and indirect activities caused by humans.
The Causes of Air Pollution in Canada
Like in any other country, air pollution in Canada is caused by industrial, vehicle emissions, energy production, agriculture, and construction. These causes are all human sources, where all the above human activities depend on Carbon-based fuel emission (Environment and Climate Change Canada, 2020). Industrial processes like oil and gas production heavily emit harmful air that causes pollution. Other natural causes of air pollution include volcanoes and forest fires. Canada’s population has been growing steadily over the years. The increase in population means an increase in the economy, which translates to an increase in the production of goods and services, transportation, and high housing demands. However, the energy required to meet all these high demands has to come from fossil fuels. The increase in the use of fossil fuels affects the quality of air that people breathe. Additionally, the economic growth has also increased the demand for Canadian exports, mainly from the oil and gas industry, which hugely contributes to the release of air pollutants.
The Tragedy of the Commons
Garret Hardin, an American Ecologist, first used the tragedy of the commons approach. The approach refers to the exhaustion of a shared resource by people who act independently and rationally as per their self-interest, despite being aware that the abuse of the common resource is contrary to other people’s long-term interests (Griffiths & Kickul, 2013). The approach tries to illustrate a situation where people will use public resources continuously until there is no benefit of it left. Instead, it leads to huge damage to everyone involved. Hardin first used the concept to describe the situation of European farmers who would use a common land where they would graze their cattle. However, it was in the interests of an individual farmer who would keep every cattle they acquired on the land, knowing the adverse effects of overgrazing would cause to the other farmers (Griffiths & Kickul, 2013).
Today, the approach is regularly used to describe environmental problems such as over-fishing, over-irrigation, traffic congestions, and even habitat destruction. Our topic of air pollution highly conforms to the model. Because the significant determinants of air pollution are the economic forces that highly encourage the use of the atmosphere as a shared resource, but it’s slowly being depleted off its benefits to other individuals because of the activities of other people. If we look at air pollution on a broader scale, we will agree that it leads to the tragedy of the commons. First, air pollution refers to the direct or indirect human activities that result to the dissemination of harmful energy or substance into the atmosphere that causes damages to the health, the ecosystem, and private property (Boyle, 2020). Most often, the activities come from legitimate use of the environment. However, the problem comes when industrial activities or individuals don’t take adequate measures to cap the emission of dangerous gases in t...
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