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The Curriculum for Preschool and Kindergarten Children

Essay Instructions:

Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) pages in length; refer to the "Assignment Format" page for specific format requirements.

This assignment consists of two different parts that will show your learning of various course objectives from Lessons 1, 2, 3, and 4.

Part 1

Discuss the following concepts and provide an example (not given in the textbook) for each as it relates to the development and behavior of children.


Discrete Trial Training

Pivotal Response Training

Positive Behavior Support

Positive Reinforcement






Part 2

In order to acknowledge and understand the diversity of child-rearing beliefs and practices among families, you must first acknowledge and understand your own beliefs and practices about child-rearing. Exploring and analyzing your own history and its effects on your behavior may assist you in creating a better understanding and compassion for the families with which you are entrusted to support. Please review the section on Cultural Models and Child-Rearing Practices (page 63–66) and write a two-page reflection essay discussing your own child-rearing beliefs and practices and how these beliefs might influence your work with diverse families.

Discuss how these topics do or do not influence you today and how they might have an effect on your work with diverse families. Stay focused on relevant information concerning the implications for your work with young children and their families.

History: family history of ethnic origin, language(s), geography, and immigration

Growing up: where you grew up, pattern of movement or stability, and your family of origin structure

Your current family or living structure

Values of independence or interdependence

Discipline approaches

Attitudes toward disability

Influence of racism

Family structure

Parents’ roles

Caregiver-child communication

Medical practices

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Curriculum for Preschool and Kindergarten Children
Part 1
The curriculum for preschool and kindergarten children is a framework organized to help learners develop social and emotional abilities. For example, a caregiver or teacher can read a storybook to a child, pause in the middle and ask questions. This builds social and emotional competence and also information and skills.
The discrete trial training technique involves breaking down skills into small, discrete components. It looks into behavior as a three-step process, the antecedent, the behavior, and the consequence. For example, you can tell a child to touch their head.
The pivotal response treatment teaching technique is used to assist autistic children in improving their social skills and behavior, and children are rewarded for making an effort. For example, if a child requests a stuffed animal, the reward should be a stuffed animal, not an unrelated one. It helps children in socializing and communication.
Positive behavioral interventions and support is an approach that is used in schools to encourage school safety and also good behavior. For example, teachers can help learners to clean the classroom on dismissal. It helps learners to improve an individual’s behavior.
Positive reinforcement is a technique to motivate learners to exercise positive behavior. For example, clapping and cheering learners when they answer questions correctly. It gives learners confidence and helps them to change their behavior commendably.
The antecedent intervention focuses on eradicating any negative instructions which can lead to problem student behavior by changing the environment before the problem occurs. For example, providing choices to questions and giving prices when they get the questions right. It helps prevent negative behavior which could have occurred.
The consequence technique is the response to the behavior of learners to help them behave appropriately by fixing the mess on their own. For example, if a learner pours water in the classroom, the student is supposed to the room during lunch break. This helps learners learn how to fix their mess even in real life.
Contingency involves rewarding children for engaging themselves in target behaviors and working towards a group goal. For example, learners can be asked to pull the paper chain up to a specified length in groups. The winging group can be given pencils, each one them to appreciate the. It helps learners to learn how to work with their peers.
Time away involves learners being asked to leave an activity when the environment is not conducive to him/and coming back later. For example, when a learner comes to class upset, the teacher can ask them to go to the school flower garden and come back later. This helps learners to learn the cooling-off effect making them concentrate in class.
Punishment technique is used in schools whereby an event is given whenever the learner shows an unacceptable behavior. For instance, children can be made to do chores, have cool-off time, exercise, and tidy up their mess. It helps children to develop effective prevention measures and also helps them reform misbehavior.
Part 2
In North Carolina, parents believe in an individualistic parenting style. My parents allowed me to make my own decisions that the larger family did not influence when growing up. My parents believed that I would make decisions on my own as I worked. For example, in the African culture, I will have challenges in directing learners who believe I am supposed to direct them in their activities which is central to my opinion.
In our culture authoritative parenting style is primarily used. Most of the time, my parents used to listen to me when I was in the wrong, and they would ask me to suggest a punishment for myself. Other cultures believe in an authoritarian parenting style, the parents decide the kind of punishment to give their children, and they also have rules and regulations to be followed. Interacting with families who believe in the authoritarian style will be a challenge because I don’t believe in corporal punishment and strict rules from guardians.
Obedience was practiced by my parents when growing up. My parents taught me that I should express myself to everyone, including adults. I grew up interacting with adults contrary to what other cultures believe. Some cultures believe that children should not engage in adult talks and children should just be children. When interacting with such people and children, it will require patience and understanding to ensure we co-exist well.
My parents raised me knowing that I am the best, and I grew up believing that. When interacting with people from different, it might be challeng...
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