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Techniques of propaganda in animal farm

Essay Instructions:
please write an essay about the techniques of propaganda in animal farm. I need to hand this essay on the 3rd of december ! I need an outline as well, please send an outline along with the paper by the deadline. Outline is a must.
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Techniques of propaganda Used in the novel "animal farm" Name: Course title: Instructor: Institution: Date Due: Essay Outline TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1.0 Introduction PAGEREF _Toc342132587 \h 32.0 Propaganda Techniques in the Animal Farm PAGEREF _Toc342132588 \h 32.1 Pointing the Enemy PAGEREF _Toc342132589 \h 32.2 Use of Fallacies PAGEREF _Toc342132590 \h 42.3 Bandwagon PAGEREF _Toc342132591 \h 42.4 Fear PAGEREF _Toc342132592 \h 53.0 Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc342132593 \h 5Reference PAGEREF _Toc342132594 \h 7 1.0 Introduction Animal Farm is a novel that was composed by author George Orwell. The major theme in this novel centres on the precept of equality, whereby all animals aspire to have freedom from human control. Here, animals are mandated to follow the concept of animalism, by rebelling against human beings. This they do by taking over the farm and renaming it to; "the Animal Farm", however, after taking over the farm, Napoleon who was chosen as their leader becomes a dictator and introduces a new slogan, "all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others". This paper will explore the techniques of propaganda used to capture the animal`s support in animal farm. 2.0 Propaganda Techniques in the Animal Farm 2.1 Pointing the Enemy This propaganda technique involves employing messages that directly or indirectly point and verbally attacks the enemy. The enemy, who may be real or imagined can help the propagandist in persuading the audience into accepting his or her ideologies. Identifying enemies will give solidarity to the audience and hence develop negative attitudes towards their perceived enemies. This technique is identified in the Animal farm, where animals identify men as their enemies. Napoleon, the animals` leader articulates that; "All humans are enemies. All animals are friends." The animal leaders put these sentiments more clearly by stating that human beings are the only creatures that reap where they have not sown. Animals meet all the needs of men but ironically, he happens to be their controller. Although animals work hard to sustain the needs of man, what they get from him in return is not substantial to sustain their own wants. 2.2 Use of Fallacies Fallacy is the kind or reasoning that deviates from logic. Arguments that are considered fallacious are those that argue from one point to another without disclosing the real facts surrounding the circumstances. In the entire novel of the animal farm, Goerge Orwell depicts the other animals as following the pigs` distortions of the original concepts of their revolution beca...
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