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Essay Instructions:
Slide 1 B1. Team Performance  (2) Minimally Competent The candidate does not provide a logical summary of research on effectively assessing team performance.  Criterion Score: 1.00 Comments on this criterion: There are suggestions of how to assess team performance, but greater detail is needed to explain the methods and present research on these methods. The work only briefly mentions each method, and provides no detail on these methods. Pick 2 of the models and discuss how they measure team performance. Re-word the presenter notes below accordingly. Slide 2 B2. Strategy  (2) Minimally Competent   The candidate provides an appropriate recommendation, with limited support, of a strategy for the company to adopt to assess team performance.  Criterion Score: 2.00 Comments on this criterion: Management by objective is recommended, but the supporting discussion is repetitive and does not clearly present what this method is, how it is implemented, and how it will be measured.Greater detailed discussion is needed on this recommendation. Pick 1 of the model from the team performance slide above and discuss how it benefits the toy company. Review the below presenter notes accordingly. Slide 3 . Performance Differences  (1) Does Not Meet Standard The candidate illustrates, with no detail, the differences between evaluating team performance and individual performance.  Criterion Score: 1.00 Comments on this criterion: Revision is not apparent on this slide. The work states that team evaluation is less accurate, and more complicated, rather than discussing detailed differences between team and individual assessments. Compare and contrast between individual and team evaluations. Show 3-4 similarities and show 3-4 differences. Revised the presenter notes below accordingly. Slide 4 First add Succession planning process slide bullets. Then the presenter notes should… See below Verbally discuss a detailed succession planning process for the company. C3. Organization Use  (0) Unsatisfactory The candidate does not illustrate a succession planning process for the company.  company.  Criterion Score: 0.00 Comments on this criterion: This aspect has not been provided. The work should present a detailed discussion of the succession planning process. Slide 5 D2. Next Steps  (1)Does Not Meet Standard The candidate provides an appropriate recommendation, with no detail, of steps the CEO and board of directors should take to implement the key points covered in the presentation.  Criterion Score: 1.00 Comments on this criterion: Recommendations are provided, but the notes only provide brief description of the recommendations. Detailed discussion is needed on these recommendations. Pick 2 items discuss in the previous slides 1-15 and stated the most important things you want the audience to remember. Revised the presenter notes accordingly. Slide 6 D1. Conclusion  Does Not Meet Standard.  The candidate presents, with no detail, a conclusion reiterating key points.  Criterion Score: 1.00 Comments on this criterion: A conclusion slide is provided, but there is limited detail of the key points of the presentation. Greater recap is needed, and should be updated with the revisions in the presentation. A more complete overview.
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(1st December 2012)
Team Performance
Team performance is an essential organizational aspect that not only contributes to overall success, but also improved employee performance. Effectively assessing team performance can have benefits to the organization. A team that receives feedback and constantly gets apprised has a tendency of improving productivity. Therefore one way of assessing a team`s performance is by looking at the team`s overall productivity. An increase in productivity is usually a good sign while low production should be a warning sign. Goals achieved by teams are another way of evaluating whether a team has met its targets. When individuals work together, they are likely to come up with better ways of doing things, thus innovation. Finally, a team performance can be evaluated by the individuals themselves. If individuals raise any concerns while working in a team, then there might be some reasons for concern. There is no "I" in team because when there is individualism, it negatively impacts on the strength of the team and limits its abilities.
There are three methods which can be used in assessing team performance, they include; direct observation, team member evaluation and a survey of members. Under direct observation, instructors or managers will be required to spend better part of their time observing, recording and pre-identified behaviors and performances. Under this method, the assumption is that the instructors or managers already knows what to look for when assessing the team performance, and is much skilled in making observations and recording the teams` performances. In case of assessing an intact group, it is the responsibility of the instructor to identify relevant teams, and the behaviors associated with the characteristics of every team. Though this technique can be affective, but it is labor intensive, and time consuming. In addition, in case team members realize that they are being observed, there are high chances that they will change their behaviors, as an effect, the instructor has to be clear with the team about the observation objectives (Mealiea & Baltazar 2005).
On the other hand, team performance assessment can be achieved through a survey of members. Under this technique, the instructors or managers will be required to interact with group members. In the process of interaction, the instructor will ask some leading questions if the need arises, and respond to non-verbal cues. In the process, the instructor will obtain information about the feelings of group members, and then devise scoring systems that will enable the instructor to compare every participant thoughts. This technique can be carried out four times per year with the aim of checking the team`s performance.
Management by objective is a strategy that calls on the management to focus on employee performance. In most cases, determining whether employees not in managerial positions were involved, and have interest in the corporate strategies and goals is not easy. Though they might be reminded on the mission statement of the company, but it good to hold meetings where a bigger picture of the mission statement will be explained to employees in non-managerial positions. Moreover, in such meetings, such employees will be invited to air their views on the issue at hand. This managerial strategy is referred to as management by objective. This system will help the organization`s management to align employees` goals, with the company`s goals. As an effect, everybody in the organization will be aware of what should be happening, and how it will benefit the entire organization. Under this strategy, it will be possible for the organization`s management to work in unison with employees resulting to smooth running of the organization.
Based on the fact that this strategy focuses more on what the organization intents to achieve, it is possible to distinguish important tasks which must be completed, from valueless tasks whose accomplishments is just a waste of time.
To implement this strategy, the organization will have to review it objectives to ensure that they are clearly defined, before cascading them down to its employees. After which, every participant will have to be encouraged by ensuring that he/she understands their roles, and how they will fit into the organization`s objectives and goals. This will tent to ensure objective ownership and participative processes, other than following orders from managers. The next step after encouraging participants is monitoring the progress. Based on the fact that the company`s objectives are measurable, it is important to create a monitoring system, which will ensure that things are on track as pre-determined. The monitoring system has to be timely, to ensure that in case of all uncertainties are dealt with before affecting the system. Moreover, it is important to ensure that adverse behaviors are not being driven by the company goals which have not been defined correctly. As an effect, a specific monitoring plan should be designed based on yearly basis, where performance reviews will be carried out (Mindtools.com 2012).
The last step in the implementation of management by objective strategy will be evaluating rewarding performances. During evaluation, employees have to evaluated based on their performances with respect to how their goal attainment. After employee evaluation, employees should be given their evaluation results inform of feedbacks.
Performance Differences
While individual evaluations are directly linked to compensations like bonuses and salary increments, tea...
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