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Essay Instructions:
Choose one of the below topics. Essay #2 (2500 words) will be written in MLA or APA referencing format, double spaced & 12 point font. Papers must provide evidence on how your piece provides a perspective, and suggest ways in which your thoughts illuminate the issue for others. Students to will be evaluated on research skills, writing, accurate referencing and topic discussion and the same rubric for Essay #1 will be utilized. 1. Treaties are relationship-building mechanisms that define the relationship between First Nations and Canada. They also provide historical, political, and cultural ways of understanding how different parties viewed an emerging community. Examine one treaty made in Canada's history and what was expected, agreed upon, and what ultimately happened in the evolution of the relationship between the signatories. Explore how this treaty continues to influence Canada and what our nation might look like if its fullest vision had been fulfilled. In other words: how are Canadians “treaty people”?
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(December 06, 2012)
Robinson Treaty Metis
Treaties are relationship and agreement mechanisms that aim at building a good and healthy environment among those who sign it. The action of signing treaties is entered under the international law and is used to show a point of agreement between parties. The signing of treaties in Canada has been used to define the relationship between the first nations and Canada. Apart from the relationship Canada`s treaties explain the historical, cultural and political understanding on how different people viewed different emerging communities. The Robinson treaty was signed in 1850 and it involved the community of the Métis heritage people, the treaty was on the settlement of this community and the signed treaty saw them settle at Thunder Bay area. The treaty of the settlement of the metis came as a result of them being the descendants of the first employees of the North West Company and the Hudson`s bay company at fort William. The Métis are said to be the first settlers of the region of Thunder Bay .in the treaty the signing is upon Robinson who represent her majesty and the second party is a group representing the Indian tribes (Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations, et al. 1998).
There is dialogue that takes place since 1849 before the treaty is signed and after the agreement of the terms and conditions the treaty is signed in 1850. The treaty that is on the land and inhabitance issue focuses on the Indian community who were long time workers of British companies and had not acquired settlement land so the treaty is a settlement deal with the company owners. The deal also looks at the rights that the tribes will have over their land and the amount of annuities that the British companies will be paying to the chief and the tribes. After the signing of the deal there is also the honoring part where the set agreements are looked into and implemented in this case of Robinson treaty the payment of annuities is one of the key implementations.
The signing of the treaty
The Robinson superior treaty was signed on the 7th of September 1850, the treaty was signed between the following members W,B Robinson and J peau de Chat, J Ininway, Mishe-mucqua, Totomenai, Chiefs and J wasseba M Shebageshick, Principal men among others who participated in the signatory. The treaty is laid down in the following order, on that day of the treatment an agreement was met by the participants; the agreement was made at Sault Ste Marie in Canada. The treaty was between Robinson who represented others and the Indians living in the northern side of Lake Superior in Canada (Alison, 1998), The Island of this area covers the Hudson Bay Company this area had been occupied by the British and the Indian tribes used to work in their companies. The treaty aligns that and the chiefs and their tribes are to receive a set amount of money at a given time. The chiefs and principal men are to in full surrender grants, cede and to convey to her majesty her successors and her heirs forever, their titles, their rights and their interests too.
The treaty also allows the chiefs and their tribes to hunt freely over the new territory that they have ceded and they can also freely fish in the waters. The second party in the signing agreed not to sell or dispose any of the reservations they own without the informing of the superintendent general of India affairs and also the second party of the treaty aggresses that they will not hinder the Indians from exploring the minerals and other available valuables in the territory. The parties involved in the second part agrees that in any occasion that the government that is presiding over the province have before or undertakes an agreement with any other party to sell a part of the mining or any other sector of the reservation that has been set aside to help them then the money that is got from such a sale shall be used to help the tribe and it shall be paid to the tribe that owns the reservation. Robinson acting on behalf of her majesty also agrees that should the territory that is owned by the second party in the treaty in future yield an amount that will allow are enhance the provincial government of this area to make profits and increase the annuities that are secured for their case this shall be amplified from one time to the other (Brian, 1987). The majesty prescribes that the limit paid to each individual should not be more than a pound of the used provincial currency for a period of one year. Her majesty further stated that the number of Indians that are entitled to benefit from the treaty shall be in total about two thirds of their benefits in full of the twelve hundred and forty.
According to the treaty Joseph Pea de Chat alongside his tribe are to have their reserve starting from a distance of about two miles outside fort William and it`s on the right bank of river Kiministiquia and it adjusts six miles going parallel across the lakes shore. The tribes reserve the adjusts to the north about five miles then to the east up to the right bank of the river this makes sure it does not touch the Hudson`s bay company as it has acquired rights. The second reserve is for the tribe of totomenai it`s a four miles square stretch at the Gros Cap this is a nearby valley to Hudson`s bay company at the post of michipicoton. The third reserve is for chief Mishemuckqua it`s a four Miles Square at the gull river which is close to the lake of Nipigion an...
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