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1 pages/≈275 words
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English (U.S.)
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Essay Instructions:
The stories we've read this week focus on globalism and whether outside cultural influences are welcomed or should be rejected. Choose one work that relates closely to your own opinions about global influences, and explain the ways in which you agree and disagree with the points made in that particular story. The story I chose is Passage to America by R. K. Narayan.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Globalism Name: Course: Professor name: (December, 2012) Globalism Globalism is philosophy that rejects the Gods purpose of diversity. It works against the importance of protecting national values and encourages productivity. In reference to America it is the encouragement of adopting ‘a world view’ rather the known ‘American view’. The oxford American dictionary defines Globalism as, “the advocacy of the interpretation or planning of economic and foreign policy in relation to events and developments throughout the world (Stevenson & Lindberg, 2010).)." Globalism has severe impacts on our culture. Taylor defined culture as "that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society (Taylor, 2005).)." As a result of globalization people are facing a lot of challenges as they try to adapt to different cultures they find themselves in. In reference to the story by R. K. Narayan “Passage to America”, the immigrants in America face a lot of challenges as they try to fit themselves to the American culture. In the Narayan story it is evident that the Americans beliefs are modeled on material acquisition and the limitless search of wealth while the Indians believe the opposite; soberness and unencumbered, simple day-to-day living. American does not care about the neighbor but an Indian considers the neighbor as part of them. Theref...
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