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Technical Writing Final Project

Essay Instructions:

ENG-201: TECHNICAL WRITING Final Project Using and citing a minimum of five sources, prepare a formal report detailing important information and issues revolving around your chosen career. Work on your Final Assessment begins with your description of your chosen career as part of Written Activity 1. The finished report will reflect your work on each of the subsequent activities and require clear language; appropriate document design and page layout; one or more visuals; an understanding of the technical writing process; the ability to use the Internet to obtain appropriate data; clearly written explanations, descriptions, and definitions; and use of appropriate correspondence. Successful completion of the final assessment will demonstrate that you have met the course goals as described in the course Syllabus. A useful place to begin is the Occupational Outlook Handbook provided online by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of U.S. Department of Labor. Click http://www(dot)bls(dot)gov/oco to go to this site. Minimum Requirements Careful use of the Handbook of Technical Writing is important as you work on this project, which should include the following: (References to Handbook entries below are in boldface uppercase letters.) A COVER LETTER following the appropriate conventions of CORRESPONDENCE informing your Mentor of what is being sent and why. Your letter should also explain any possible action you might take as a result of what you found. Did your research confirm what you previously believed or did it provide new insight? Note: Your POINT OF VIEW in the letter is personal and subjective, so you should write it in first person. The REPORT itself should be objective and written in third person. A FORMAL REPORT including a Title Page, Abstract, Introduction, Body Text, Conclusions, Works Cited, and Appendixes. A Descriptive ABSTRACT. An INTRODUCTION that places your chosen career in the context of today’s job market. Possibly useful information may range from the economy to the relative importance of the job. A REPORT that at a minimum includes information describing the necessary education, credentials, and training; the typical duties; starting and potential salaries and other benefits; and the prognosis for future employment and advancement. Use Parenthetical Documentation (either APA or MLA style as appropriate) to indicate the source of all data and quotations as described in DOCUMENTING SOURCES. Also include one or more VISUALS such as TABLES or GRAPHS. Be sure to refer to each visual at least once in your text. A CONCLUSION that summarizes your findings and discusses the implications of embarking on such a career path. A list of References or Works Cited that contains a minimum of seven (7) sources that are named and used in the body of your report. Be sure to review the conventions found in DOCUMENTING SOURCES. An APPENDIX that includes two or more typical JOB DESCRIPTIONS that you have found online to illustrate actual jobs in the career you have chosen. The actual job descriptions should be placed in the Appendix in their entirety, but they should also be referred to at least once in the body of your report. For grading standards for all written work submitted for this course, see the Course Documents area of the course Web site.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Technical Writing

February 5, 2014
Tracy Morgan
978 Highview Lane
Atlanta, GA 78645
Mrs. Lucy Knowles
845 Backview Lane
Kent, GA 78307
Dear Mrs. Knowles
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to first inform you that I have always admired your work and the passion that you have towards your career and goals. I have always had a passion to work in the field of psychology ever since I was young. Aspects of the human behavior have always fascinated me and I sought to know more about the way the human behavior is controlled in the brain. There are different conditions of the brain and the human personalities, as such; it has always been one of my life goals to understand how it is that people with different thought patterns/ processes and abilities can work together without conflict towards a common goal.
Your work has been an inspiration and latest piece published later last year titled ‘the psychology of the work place’ has significantly changed my perspective, with respect to my career goals. According to the research that I have conducted since then, the Industrial-Organizational Psychologists career is one of the fastest growing professions according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (HYPERLINK "http://psychology.about.com/bio/Kendra-Cherry-17268.htm"Cherry, 2014). This is not something that I expected and had never thought of focusing on the organizations. Admittedly, I had not focused on a single area of specialization within the field, but the new insightful information had made it much easier.
Form the research that I conducted on the best practitioners in the field, your work came out as outstanding. Having read most of your work, I have made up my mind to pursue this career and I believe you are the best professional to guide me through. I will really appreciate your mentorship support and one day hope to make an impact in someone’s life as you did to mine.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Tracy Morgan
The industrial organization psychology is a field that deals with the application of the psychological skills and techniques in other fields other than medicines to achieve maximum productivity from human resources. This is one of the most invaluable jobs in the current economy as more companies strive to squeeze more performance out of the staff while making sure that they do not dehumanize them. This has come from the realization by most of the business executives that performance relies on psychological behavior at the place of work than it does on the abilities and skills. A highly motivated employee is better than a skilled one, but if one can motivate the skilled it is even better. The main areas of influence relate to the selection of the staff, training, counseling, team building, assessment among other, which relate to the productivity of the human resources. To practice, one requires to have acquired a doctorate degree in psychology or a specialty Master’s degree in psychology. In addition for one to practice they require a certificate and a license. The pay varies with the level of specialization and the employer in question. Graduates with a Master’s degree may start at about $38,000 while the PhD graduates come in at $55,000 a year. Professors can make upward of $70,000, plus benefits, but the largest amounts are made by those in the private sector where one can make several millions although the latter requires massive experience (My Plan, 2014).
Industrial organizational psychology is a field that deals with the behavior of the staff at the place of work. As such the psychologists in the field use the psychological principles in areas such as human resources management, organizational development, sales and marketing, as well as training. The basic idea is to try and make sure that the employees are tuned to the demand of their job, goals and the customers are satisfied in the best way possible. This means that they work to make sure the organizations achieve maximum productivity without exhausting the human resources capability to produce. It is also common to find these psychologists suggesting the best placement of the employees within the different departments and tasks a well as organizing working teams that are not only functional but productive to both the organization and the individual staff (HYPERLINK "http://careerplanning.about.com/bio/Dawn-Rosenberg-McKay-646.htm" McKay, 2014).
In today’s economy, most of the companies are looking for the best employees that are gong to minimize the costs of operation, increase productivity at high levels of innovativeness. It is also common to find firms that are looking for employees that easily fit with the rest of the staff. Employing the best of the staff is one step in the right direction, getting them to work together as a team and maximize productivity is the next huddle where failure begins. In the 21st century, most of the businesses have come to embrace the fact that most of the productivity relies on the psychology of the staff other than their abilities (Career Planner, 2014). It is for this reason that the Industrial-Organizational Psychologists are great demand and the projections indicate that, this could be the norm in the market. These are the [professionals that put together the best staff in the market, through well orchestrated trainings and manage the human resources productivity using psychological techniques and strategies.
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