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Teaching English and Literature

Essay Instructions:

Assessment 3 (Modules 8-10)

Part 1 of 2:

Study Module 10, particularly any information relating to test construction.

Multiple choice questions construction may seem easy-but it’s not.

Design 7 multiple choice questions based on the test information below. Ensure there is a valid question (stem) and 4 valid options (choices). Also ensure that the distractors (wrong answers) are sufficiently close to the correct response as to be worthy of consideration by the candidate, i.e. make the options realistic. Do not use ‘All of the above’ or ‘None of the above’ as an option. Make sure to indicate the correct answer according to your options.  Try and vary the stem construction, i.e. do not construct all of the questions in the same format, such as: ‘Which is the synonym closest in meaning to happy?’, ‘Which is the past participle of the verb go?’ 

Test Information

Design a question testing any antonymDesign a question testing the stressed syllable in the word photographyDesign a question testing any set of minimal pairsDesign a question testing the Present Perfect tenseDesign a question related to cultureDesign a question related to multiple choice constructionDesign a question related to a discipline/student behaviour issue

There is no word limit for the part 1 of 2 assessment. However, any question + choices that exceeds 40 words or so is likely to be too lengthy.


Part 2 of 2:

According to the videos seen in Module 9, please write a short paragraph answering the following question:

What are some important aspects to keep in mind when applying pedagogical planning?

Paragraph length for part 2 of 2: 50 - 75 words 

NOTE: After your tutor has graded and provided feedback you'll be able to see tutor's feedback when you click on the 'review' link. This process can take up to 3 days not including weekends or holidays.

3. Teaching Large Multi-Level Classes

3.1 What Do These Look Like?

Some teachers view a large class as 15 students or so but wait until they have 30 or 40 

students – then they’ll know what a large class is. So, it’s all relative.

The term ‘multi-level is a lot easier to define, as this term is used to identify any group 

of learners who differ from one another in one or more significant ways, e.g. age, level, 

prior experience, degree of literacy etc. 

In many adult EFL classes there are even more variables that affect the level structure 

within the class. Because of funding constraints, learner scheduling difficulties, and 

programme logistics, some programmes will place learners of all levels into one or two 


Such classes often include speakers of many native languages, some of which use the 

Roman alphabet, some of which do not (Mandarin, Arabic). 

Learners may also have varying degrees of literacy in their first language as well as in 


Other factors that add to a classroom’s heterogeneity, or diversity, and the rate of 

progress include:

 Type and amount of a learner's previous education

 Learning style preference

 Learners’ learning goals

 Learner expectations of appropriate classroom activities

 Culture, age, gender and, in some contexts, the religion of each learner

3.2 Cons and Pros


For some teachers, their first impression upon hearing they will have to teach large or 

multi-level classes is usually not a positive one. Teachers usually focus on these 


 They are difficult to control

 It’s difficult to find suitable material to satisfy the differences in learners

 They’re unsure as to whether their students are all learning effectively


However some other teachers view it differently. They feel:

 There’s enjoyment in watching all the students mingling, getting to know each 

other, making friendship and learning about the different values and cultures of 

 These large, multi-level classes provide the teacher with a greater opportunity 

for creativity, innovation and personal development.

 It’s impossible to get around everyone so students can help by teaching each 

other and working together. They feel this peer teaching and collaboration are 

surprisingly effective, fostering co-operation and student autonomy

Our view

If you have already gained experience in classroom management with smaller classes 

with less levels of difference, and everything has been fine, there shouldn’t be much to 

worry about. You will have gained the transferable skills which you can apply to the

larger classes. Yes, you may need to tweak a few things, and you may need to do a bit 

more planning, but you’ll be fine. We don’t quite see how a teacher who has gained the 

skills in class control, material development, monitoring and ensuring effective learning, 

just loses those skills because the class becomes bigger and the differing levels are 


You’ll make up your own mind if the time comes. New teachers would not normally be 

put in charge of a large, multi-level class until they have gained substantial experience. 

But reflect on all of this, just in case.

3.3 Effective Planning and Grouping Strategies


Planning for multi-level classes requires the ability to juggle many different elements. 

In particular, teachers must provide a range of activities that address the learning 

styles, skill levels and specific learning objectives of each individual. 

Teachers can use a variety of techniques and grouping strategies and a selection of 

self-access materials (i.e. materials which students access on their own without little or 

any guidance from the teacher) such as crossword puzzles, texts, computer software 

and games) to help all learners be successful, comfortable, and productive for at least 

a portion of each class.

However, planning for all the varying levels, styles and learner expectations is time-

consuming and the classroom management can be a bit more taxing. 

Remember! The alternative to this effort -planning and using activities that meet the 

needs of only those learners whose skills fall somewhere in the middle - will frustrate 

those with lower skills, and bore the more advanced learners.

When planning and teaching the multi-level EFL class, as with any adult language 

class, the teacher must remember that learner perceptions of what constitutes sound 

language learning may not match those of the teacher. 

However, the teacher's enthusiasm and encouragement can usually motivate learners 

who resist unfamiliar and non-traditional classroom activities to participate fully in the 


But where there is a mismatch between learner and teacher perceptions of useful 

activities, teachers should be prepared to include activities that meet learner 



Certain factors should also be considered in setting up group and pair activities, 

including differences in age, social background, country of origin, educational 

background, and English ability.

Some learners might not be comfortable in groups with other learners they consider to 

be more prominent or of higher status.

And in some contexts, men, for cultural reasons, may not be so willing to take part in 

groups where women are the leaders.

Although the teacher can often encourage reluctant learners to try new activities, 

sensitivity to potential difficulties arising from group and pair work is necessary. Class 

discussions of cultural and personal differences in learning styles and interaction 

patterns may help to overcome initial resistance.

Whole group work 

Here are some tasks/activities which are appropriate initially for whole-class work and 

this would then lead to follow up work set at different degrees of difficulty or different 

student group requirements (e.g. more practice in writing)

Class project: The whole group can participate in a class project to create a finished 

product (such as a text, bulletin board, or collage), where each learner completes a 

part of the task based on individual abilities and interests. 

 Reading comic strips or photo stories

 Listening to audio or viewing video

 Learning songs

 Brainstorming on topics of interest.

Small group work

This grouping provides opportunities for learners to use their language skills and is 

often less intimidating than whole group work. 

Small groups can be set up according to interest or ability, and need not be equal in 

size or permanent. 

Heterogeneous groups are made up of learners who have disparate skills. Cross-ability 

grouping allows stronger learners to help others and maximises complementary learner 

strengths. Activities suitable for cross-ability groups are jigsaw activities, board games, 

creation of posters, lists and illustrations, and multimedia projects.

Homogeneous groups are made up of learners who have roughly equal skills (for 

example, all are literate or are orally fluent). Activities often suitable for like-ability 

groups are problem-solving, sequencing, and

Pair work

Pairs have the greatest opportunity to use communicative skills. 

Like-ability pairs succeed when partners' roles are interchangeable or equally difficult. 

Activities for homogeneous pairs include information gaps, dialogues, role plays and 

pair interviews.

Cross-ability pairs work best when partners are given different roles and heavier 

demands are placed on the more proficient learner. Some examples are activities 

where one dictates and one transcribes, interviews where one questions and one 

answers, and role plays where one learner has a larger role than the other. 

In this dynamic, the more proficient partner can also play the role of mentor, helping the 

less proficient partner in times where he or she may need attention and the teacher is 

tied up with other pairs or groups.

Individual/solo work

When learners are doing independent activities in the multi-level classroom, using self-

access materials can enable students to take responsibility for choosing work 

appropriate to their individual levels and interests. 

A self-access component includes activities from all skill areas as well as vocabulary, 

grammar, and pronunciation exercises.

With self-access materials, each task is set up so that learners need minimal, if any, 

assistance from the teacher to accomplish the activity. 

Directions are clear and answers (when applicable) are provided on the back of the 

activity allowing learners to informally evaluate their own work without teacher 


When used regularly in the classroom, self-access time can foster a relaxed 

environment where learners decide how and when to interact with one another, with 

their teacher, and with English. process 

writing.the other students. There’s a greater sense of community.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Teaching English and Literature
Authors Name
Institution Affiliation
Due Date
1. Which of the following is an antonym of the term "slothful"?
a) lazy
b) Industrious
c) Copy
d) drowsy
2. Choose the correct stressing syllable for photography in this sentence. Photography is the practice of making pictures.
a) pho-TOG'-ra-ph-y
b) pho-tog-raph-Y’
c) pho-tog-RAH’-y
d) PHO’-tog-raph-y
3. In phonology, words tend to sound the same. Which of the pairs listed below is a similar pair?
a) maid – made
b) kite - night
c) base – phase
d) wise – rice
4. The below sentences are in present perfect tense. Choose the odd one out.
a) I have been to Spain three times.
b) I've already graduated from university.
c)  They have not gone to school.
d) The match is going on.
5. Identify the correct word to complete the following sentence
"You are such a ____________. Why did you snap his finger?"
a) salutary
b) barbarous
c) bully
d) nerd
6. After the war broke out the ref...
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