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Cable News Networks Versus Broadcast Networks

Essay Instructions:

Rhetoric, the Art of Persuasion essay of two or three double-spaced pages after you have watched two televised newscasts of national news on the same day. One newscast is to come from a cable or satellite news network (examples being CNN, Headline, Fox News, CNBC, and MSNBC) and the other from one of the broadcast networks (examples being CBS, NBC, ABC, or Fox Network).

Please be sure to select national newscasts rather than your local city or regional newscasts.

You have your choice of which cable/satellite source and which broadcast source you choose. The half-hour newscasts are best for this exercise.

While watching, keep notes of the top three stories and the amount of time devoted to each of the three stories.

With your notes in hand, write your comparison of the two newscasts based on these four factors:

the top three news stories covered – whether they match or differ in the two newscasts;

the amount of air time given to each of those three stories;

any difference in the slant of the presentations of the three stories; and

anything you heard that affected the credibility of the people delivering the reports.

To conclude, how would you account for the similarities between the two newscasts in both selection and content of the stories?

Reference: the source of the broadcast.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Cable News Networks Versus Broadcast Networks
Date of Submission:
Cable television refers to a system, which provides certain channels to consumers using cables transmitting radio frequency signals. On the other hand, broadcast networks refer to the system where consumers receive various channels directly to their televisions through the air. Nowadays, people prefer cable networks to broadcast ones. This is mainly because cable networks deliver high quality pictures and sound as compared to broadcast networks. Although cable TV is costly to the consumer people, prefer them because of their quality. Over the past decades, cable news networks have increases exponentially. Unlike broadcast networks that depend on advertising as their main source of revenue, these cable networks benefit from subscriber fees and advertisement money. The aim of this paper is to compare newscast on cable and broadcast networks based on various factors.
This paper will look at news broadcasted by CNN, which represents cable TV and CBS, representing broadcast networks. The first story under analysis is that of the Republican debate. This debate was the main story on CNN since they were the ones hosting it (Frucci, 2015). Therefore, it is quite understandable to claim that the amount of time given to this story by CNN was more than that given to it by CBS. However, despite CNN being the host of this debate, there is also a popular claim that networks have bias in news reporting. However, people never agree on whether the bias is liberal or conservative. Many citizens in the United States say that the prefer CNN or FOX news (both cable news networks) when seeking news or even information about politics or public affairs. When...
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