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Death Penalty: Should it be Retained or Not?

Essay Instructions:

For the argumentative essay choose a side and present your own argument for it. The essay should begin with an introduction that is your argument in short. Choose one side of the article I will attach

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Argumentation essay: Death Penalty
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In the world over, there have been discussions concerning whether the death penalty should be retained or not. Death penalty entails a punishment of having a murderer to be killed for the offence of the killing, just as there are other punishments associated with wrongdoing. Discussions of whether the death penalty should be retained have escalated in recent times especially in the wake of deliberations on human rights. Von Drehle (2015) notes that; here have been different perspectives that have been utilized to anchor arguments over this issue. Such perspectives include moral, spiritual as well as social dimensions. In regard to all the utilized perspectives, death penalty should not be retained.
Moral perspective
As Von Drehle (2015) points out; from a moral perspective, it is clear that the death penalty should not be retained. It is observed that: many people have argued that the death penalty should not be entertained on the basis of moral adherence. This perspective is somehow complicated, because, it points to a discussion of beliefs as opposed to outward materialistic aspects such the cost of punishment as well as the effectiveness. This view emanates from the realization that: once a person has been killed, on the basis of an offence they committed, just like in any other kind of death, such people are unable to achieve any change. Therefore, the effectiveness of death punishment cannot effectively be measured by its own nature. When based on moral perspective, there are different angles that arise. A crucial point to note is that; all the angles point to rejection of death penalty punishment.
The first angle of the perspective of moral on this issue is anchored on the Bible. The proponents of the death penalty argue that; death is the best punishment for a person that has killed because; as such, there is justice in offering equal retaliation. On the basis of the Bible, it is argued that; it is not right to have an eye for an eye. Therefore, when one argues that he who that has killed should be killed, goes against morals that are anchored in the Bible.
It is crucial to note that, there have been suggestions of adoption of the death penalty based on the Bible too. However, there has not been much evidence of support of the Bible in anchoring the death penalty. For instance, there have been arguments that the Old Testaments supports killing as a punishment. But, as a matter of logic, it is crucial that such arguments and quotations are put into context. It is in understanding of the Bible argumentation against the death penalty that incidences such as that of Cain and Abel are evaluated. It is noted that; in the Bible, God did not instill death penalty on Cain for killing Abel who was innocent. As such, it is critical for humans to evaluate their support of death punishment, if at all they are Christians.
On the basis of functions of punishment, anchored on philosophical morals, it is not right to encourage death penalty. It is widely known that; punishment is meant for rectification of behavior. Such rectification of behavior can only be achieved when the involved culprit learns so...
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