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Casinos targeting the Hispanic market

Essay Instructions:
Read this article about casinos targeting the Hispanic market. Medina, Jennifer. (2011) Casino Town Puts Its Money On Hispanic Market. http://www(dot)nytimes(dot)com/2011/08/30/us/30primm.html?_r=1&hp (1) What has made this strategy successful? (2) What 3 principles and ideas from the readings can you use to explain this success? For instance, think of segmentation, influence, reference groups ... (3) What lessons about targeting a new market can you take away? (Be very specific in relating each lesson to this case. For instance, do not say, "A company should ..." Instead, say, "The companies discussed here demonstrated that ...") Do not include definitions or summaries from the reading. Do not describe what the casino did. Instead, your response should be analytical and should demonstrate that (a) you understand the principles from the background reading and (b) you can apply them to this particular case. Vague, general answers about targeting will not earn a good grade. Aim for 500-1000 words. However, quality of writing is more important than quantity. Focus on answering the question logically. Avoid redundancy and general statements, such as "All organizations exist to make a profit." Make every sentence count.
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(January 09, 2012)
Casinos have been in existence for the longest time within the American entertainment arenas, for some they spell prosperity while for others the losses can be demining since the game is very addictive. They are often run by Latino cartels often good at the games and the unfortunate players face losing everything. Some casinos have started employing Latinos since they have good understanding of the blackjack games written in Spanish and as an enticement they use the popular Latino speaking musicians for concerts in a bid to entice the public and of course make more money with the highest booking of the hotel rooms (Medina, 2011). This are profits that even Vegas cannot beat in any occasion, this helps in transforming what was meant to be a musical event to an intertwined gambling event as well.
The demographics do make the most of any business; mostly people tend to associate with that which interests the majority of a population. A casino that provides incentives is taken more seriously and has a higher attendance as compared to one which does not have any enticement. The Latino leaders’ acceptance of the sudden Hispanic craze that seems to be benefitting them is a more sensible approach to creating more job opportunities and seems to have fully accepted the gambling trends in their lives. This increased the strategy of having more persons of Latino origin in the field gives the gamblers confidence of not being corned as compared to the casinos that have Americans (Medina, 2011). Gambling has revolutionized the whole betting industry and not to mention that it is amongst the highest revenue collector to the government. With this, despite petitions...
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