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System Verification and Validation Course

Essay Instructions:


 This class is “System Verification & Validation”

 Please contribute: A description of how a topic in “system Verification and Validation” course relates to an example from his/her past or current professional or personal activities.

 Please contribute: A brief paragraph on some item of content from this “System Verification & Validation” course which he/she finds especially interesting or with which he/she disagrees.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

System Verification and Validation Course
System Verification and Validation Course
System verification and validation concerns safety management of computer system that includes hardware and software. It concerns with ensuring computer systems are technically and scientifically valid prior to their implementation. In this, system verification and validation ensures such systems are safe for use within defined environments. Under system verification and validation, the guidelines for verifying and validating system software offer considerable framework under which system managers can check if a system or software meets certain specified requirements needed for a particular mission environment. Accordingly, this can be related to employ recruitment process where potential candidates are subjected to interviews to evaluate if their skills and competencies meet certain organizational requirements. Just as system verification and validation, job candidates have to undergo a thorough process of questioning, testing, and the validation of the academic papers in order to pinpoint the best candidates that match the organizational strategy, culture, and needs. Those who qualify for the job are employed while those who fail to quality are dismissed. This is a form of quality assurance process where an organization seeks to identify the personnel with the best quality skills and competencies in order to facilitate efficiency and high productivity.
In system verification and validation, testing is one of the most interesting parts. System testing involves verifying whether a system meets various requirements pertaining to not only the functionality aspects, but also other qualities that meet the client’s demands. Some of these qualities include economics, flexibility, maintainability, portability, testability, and re-usability among others. All th...
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