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SWOT Analysis

Essay Instructions:
Review your proposal plan submitted in Week 1 and conduct a SWOT Analysis of either the organization or your own readiness to create the change you are trying to achieve. Use the SWOT Form provided to compile a list of the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats that you can identify. Then, in the space provided, offer a brief assessment/analysis of each SWOT element, and reflect on how best to capitalize on the strengths and opportunities and to mitigate the weaknesses and threats. Your summary should be approximately 6-8 paragraphs (an introduction, a conclusion, and a paragraph on each SWOT element). Provide references in APA format. High-quality, reliable sources, including academic sources, should be used to assist in your SWOT analysis and in your written report. These should be cited in the summary and listed in an APA-style reference list at the end. form: https://wilmu(dot)instructure(dot)com/courses/69747/files/11428168/download?download_frd=1 https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=wOlWjkaZp94 https://ctb(dot)ku(dot)edu/en/table-of-contents/assessment/assessing-community-needs-and-resources/swot-analysis/main
Essay Sample Content Preview:
SWOT Analysis of the Community-Led Affordable Housing Initiative Student’s Name Institution of Affiliation Course Instructor Date SWOT Analysis of the Community-Led Affordable Housing Initiative The Community-Led Affordable Housing Initiative (CALAHI) aims to develop affordable housing through the active support of the community, out of which houses shall be built. Conducting the SWOT analysis of this initiative is critical to understanding internal and external factors impacting the organization. SWOT analysis is helpful in ascertaining the best strategies that can be taken to leverage opportunities and minimize threats with regard to the problem of the housing crisis, and this will ultimately lead to success. Strengths The initiative's major strengths in the approach show that it emphasizes community engagement. The initiative will likely be effective and sustainable through stakeholder participation by reaching out to the people it is meant to help, hence improving their participation and ownership. As established by Bright Spots in Community Engagement by Knight Foundation (2019), community-based programs are likely to succeed in implementing their programs because their needs are unique. Also, affiliations with organizations like Habitat for Humanity increase the project experience in proper housing development approach, support, and acknowledgment. According to Homan (2016), inclusion and participation create a bond of unity and cohesion among the stakeholders, enhancing the initiative's overall framework and keeping it genuinely oriented towards the community. Weaknesses However, there are significant limitations, which have been identified more in relation to the skill and resource base within some community entities. As much as the members may be willing, most of them may need more expertise to deal with legal, financial, or construction complications; thus, the technical ability of the initiative may be weak. However, with the active participation of the community citizens, the initiative may fail when pa...
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