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Chapter 1: The Truth from Above - Questions for Review

1. What is the origin of the word "music"?

2. What did Plato and Aristotle believe about the power of music? How was their philosophy modified by the medieval Christian Church?

3. What is the difference between sacred and secular music?

4. Why is the earliest music preserved in the West almost all sacred?

5. In what ways does Gregorian Chant differ from music of later periods?

6. What is the difference between monophonic and polyphonic music?

7. How did Leonin transform the chant? How did Perotin transform Leonin's compositions?

8. What were the usual topics of songs composed by the troubadours, trouveres and Minnesingers?

9. Identify briefly the following:

a) goliard

b) Franco of Cologne

c) ars nova

d) formes fixes

10. What was the most important musical genre of the thirteenth century? How was it derived from Notre Dame organum?

11. What is the difference between the Ordinary and the Proper of the Mass?

12. Who wrote the first complete polyphonic setting of the Mass Ordinary? What else did he compose?

13. Describe the musical and textual characteristics of the caccia.

14. Why was John Dunstable's music perceived as "sweet" by the French and Italians?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

A survey of western music
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Q.1 The word music is an English word for Mousike, a Greek word denoting art, which traces its origin 30,000 to 60, 000 years ago, after the ancient human population experienced the explosion of culture. The explosion enabled them to create different types of arts such as imitation of sounds and rhythms by applying human voice and tones, thereby forming a well-organized rhythm named music.
Q.2Plato and Aristotle believed that music had the power to influence, desensitize, condition and motivate people. According to the two, the presence of elements such as harmony and musical modes availed the truth more persuasively, arousing particular emotions that developed the character of the listeners and facilitated the promotion of moral and spiritual harmony and order in an individual’s soul.
The onset of Medieval Christian church modified Aristotle's and Plato’s philosophy by taking control of people’s lives and instilling believes that the only way one could go to heaven was if the Roman Catholic Church let them. Thus, following the guidelines set out by the church such as paying tithes, working on the church’s land, and undergoing baptisms shaped people’s character.
Q.3Sacred and secular music differ in that sacred music refers to holy music designated for religious purposes by different religions that talk about God that brings about spiritual value. Contrary, secular music refers to music utilized in everyday life for entertainment, passion, and enrichment without any connection to God.
Q.4. The earliest music preserved in the West is almost all sacred because Western Music traced its origin during the Middle Ages, when the Christian Church was the most dominant social institution. Hence, individuals got training on musical notations; musical composing and writing in churches where the only music played was sacred music.
Q.5Gregorian Chant differs from the music of later periods in that; the Gregory Chant is a form of the monophonic texture of music that incorporates one melody, one singer and the playing of one instrument intended to make the singing in the same pitch. Late period music is a form of polyphonic music that involves numerous sounds and voices that follow different tones, absolute pitch, and different melodies.
Q.6 Monophonic music is a type of music that employs one part of a single melody, playing of one instrument and multiple voices using a single pitch and tone. Contrary, polyphonic music is a type of music that utilizes different tones, melodies, ...
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